I was cleaning up branches in the yard last night and there were some in the garden area (which was just rototilled) so it was nice and smooth
EXCEPT for all the little feet prints from this critter !!
Anyone need some target practice ?? lol
I sure hope I can get rid of him before my garden starts coming up!
did you take that picture of him mom? looks good! buy a pellet gun! Ü
Curtis has an air/pellet gun (whatever it's called) but I don't know how to use it. I'm sure one of the boys could figure it out though ;) And don't forget, Grandpa has had lots of shooting practice with cats, lol.
I wish I'd taken the picture!! If I had been able to get a shot .... I'd have taken it! NO PUN INTENDED! lol I have a pellet gun but I've only seen the varmit once and that's when he was charging us and then slipped under the shed. Thats when we discovered he lived there. I've been keeping my eyes open and if I catch him sitting in the yard or garden, I'm gonna unload on him!!
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