Friday, March 10, 2017


MARCH is one of the busiest months for us as far as family birthdays go. We have 5.... Not all of them live nearby so I have to mail them something! By the end of this year we should have 40 grand kids because Michelle is due with her 4th this month and Tammy and Chris are probably adopting 2 more if all goes well.
SO, I have had to become frugal and and cut down on spending. Especially since Tony was out of work for a little over 2 months. Hense, the kiddies get a gift card to McDonalds...
Yeah, I know...WHOOPEE!  But, it's the best I can do and what kids doesn't like a Happy Meal and a toy!  I know I DO,    LOL

So far, I have received pictures from Christa and Jeff of Paxson and his cards!

Christa siad he also received a card from my mother (his Great Grandmother)
and she said he was feeling the Love!~

I got this picture of Paxson enjoying his 1st Birthday cake and it looks
 like he throughly enjoyed it!~
 I love this!!
That smile melts my heart and it melted the icing off his cake as well!  lol

I just got this picture today from our our other Krista  (Nephi's mother). He got his card in the mail today and Krista said he was thrilled because he LOVES MICKEY D's!  Music to my ears!
I hope to get pictures of Alex, Andrew and Blake and Mom..... I missed getting one of Tammy on her birthday but we did bring her a card.

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