Saturday, after leaving Jeff and Christa's place, we got to Astoria and Tony dropped me off at the Bow Picker to stand in line for lunch and he headed to the CHAMBER OF COMMERCE to get some infor for our neighbors who are going to SEASIDE in June. After eating, we went to Mom's. It's always so great to see her. I am so impressed with how active she is and how much she gets done!! She made 30 Humanitarian Bags for Traci and the girls to take to Honduras in June. |
She did a really good job (As Usual) and so I took a picture of her with all her hard work on display!
We had a wonderful time visiting while Tony went to Costco and bought a few things and some flowers for me to put on Dad's grave. I had him pick up a chicken sandwich for her as well. Her appetite is so small now and she doesn't eat much. She had Will eat half of it!! |
After she ate, she wanted us to play a new card game called "65" with her. She kicked all of our behinds! She is "Gooood" at cards and so she really enjoyed that!! |
Then we switched and played "MEXICAN TRAIN" and as chance would have it .....I won!
Sunday, Jason and Cauleen and Addie and Issac came to visit! Theyt went to church with Kate and Will. I told mom we would stay home with her and watch church on the BYU channel. She said that was Great. Funny thing was, Tony had it on and as soon as the Mariner Baseball Game came on, she had us change the channel! LOL, she sure loves her baseball games!!
After the kids got home from church and after the game was over, we drove out to the cemetary to pay our respects to Dad! We were going to have to leave early Monday morning so we wanted to do out Saturday afternoon. |
It was overcast and the temperature was only in the mid 50's but it was lovely and I was thrilled to finally see the headstone in person! |
Jason, Caulene, Addie and Issac with Mom. |
Mom brought the Big Flag and Tony and I placed the Red White and Blue flowers on dad's grave with a small flag! Mom had placed the other pretty flowers on the grave a while back! |
I am so happy that Families Are Forever and I know Dad was there with us ! It was a lovely day! |
After visiting the cemetary, we went home and ate! Mom had made a ham, a potato salad, a jellow salad and rolls. Caulene made brussell sprouts and a green salad and Jason cooked some fish. (He and Addie love it and always pick up fresh fish when they come to town) It was a delicious meal! After dinner, Mom wanted to play the game she wins!! lol So we taught Jason and Caulene and actually Tony won this time but Mom came in 2nd! Tony had better watch it, she may not want him to play again if he keeps that up! lol |
Monday morning, we got up early and mom had made us some toast and cereal for breakfast. We ate a quick bite and had to hit the road for home. I hate to leave her but I am so grateful she is with Rick and Wendy and Kate and Will!! (Although Rick and Wendy were in Hawaii when we were there)
It's always so great to go visit her and she was SUPER THRILLED to hear we are having a reunion over at Seraside next year with my kids! She hopes to still be here so she can see them all!
We left after breakfast and made a quick stop back in Ridgefield to see Christa and the boys! Jeff was at work so we missed him but I sent him a text as we passed the airport after leaving his house!
I LOVE MY FAMILY! We are so very blessed to have such wonderful kids and grandkids!
Until we get to go again!~
HUGS !!~ |
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