Friday, May 26, 2017


I feel bad saying I hated one of natures lovely creations so I'll just say I had a LOVE/HATE relationship with this tree! It provided BEAUTIFUL shade but the mess was overwhelming and thus the hate comes in! I complained to Tony everytime the wind blew and actually even when it didin't because this baby dropped twigs constantly! ESPECIALLY when it was windy! This time of year it is dropping pods that when dried up turn to cotton.  Hense the patio and walkway on the side of the house as well as the grass is full of pods!! It is the 1st tree to get leaves in the spring but a ton of tiny leaves fall off and then the larger ones come on. Then it is the LAST to lose the leaves in the fall so alot of the time snow has fallen before they all come off and it is a mess to clean them up! We have to rake up twigs every week before we can mow the lawn!

This was my view from my craft room as the men were bringing in the equipment to remove her. They started at 7:25 Thursday morning. I took the day off to watch her come down! They came 2 weeks a go and poisend her so that is why she looks a bit sick right now!!

They started with a few of the BIG branches down low that were able to fall onto the lawn. They then took those branches and fed them into a shredder! It was very interesting!

I walked around back to the alley behind the house and took some pictures. They pretty much had the entire right side of her gone at this point.

The branches that overhung on the house and the gazebo presented the biggest challenge, however they were definitely professionals and had a rigging system set up so none of them fell on the roof or gazebo. NO HARM WAS DONE! 

She is completely scalped at this point and now he is cutting her down a few feet at a time!

The base of the tree took a while to remove. They cut sections of it at a time and removed them and then had a grinder that compeletely ground it up. They removed all the sawdust with a little tractor that had a scoop bucket on it. I'll bet they made 15 trips doing just that!!  They finally finished at 2:30 in the afternoon!  It took them 7 hours to get her down!!

And now she's completely gone!
They did a great job and cleaned up the yard really good when they were finished. It was a big job!! However, I found it very enjoyable to watch it happen!
NOW, to plant a lovely clean LOCUST tree!
A hybrid that is podless and no mess! It may take several years for it to grow to what this tree was but it will be a joy to mow the yard without having to clean the yard 1st! My patio my even stay clean now! Can't wait to be able to enjoy it again!!

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