Wednesday, April 4, 2018


I got a call from Chris yesterday morning and he said he was in town helping Scott clean out their dad's storage unit. He asked if I could meet them for a visit. I jumped at the chance!  When I met up with them, I see he has the kids with him. It's their Spring Break! We visited while they were working and I finally asked if I could take the kids to my house. He said that would be great.
We hit McDonalds for some lunch and then came home.

They watched a couple of movies and ate snacks and relaxed!! lol

Tristen took a picture of me and Ari ...........

And Ari took a picture of me and Tristen!  Love these two little rascals. I don't get to see them very often so this was a real treat!!

Chris called me late afternoon and said they were wrapping things up. He invited Tony and I to join them for dinner somewhere. I was a bit disappointed I couldn't go but Tony's sister Diane and her husband Jess were in town and I had asked them to dinner. So when we were just finishing up, Chris came by to pick up the kids and head back to Washington. All the kids who had been together for dinner came by and I got to see them all!
It was AWESOME!~
Sure love my family!!

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