Friday, May 25, 2018


Maxine and Stan came to town to visit Pam and Jerry so Pam
 called and asked 
 if we could do a BBQ with them !
I made a big potato salad and headed in as soon as Tony got home from work.
She asked me to ask the kids to come. So Scot, Jill, Hawkins and Scotlyn made it as well as Traci, Caden, Sophia, Isabel and Andrew. Jason was working and Claire has moved out and is living in Boise and Mostyn was working. Sophia brought her boyfriend, Michael Harris!

It was great to see Max and Stan! Haven't seen them since my dad's funeral.

We had a great visit and good food!

They might possibly come out to see our place today, as they are headed back home Saturday morning. 

It was a wonderful evening and after all the kids left, we stayed and visited till 9:30. 
So GREAT to have family!~ 

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