Saturday, September 15, 2018


Tuesday, Scott and family and Heather and family and Tony and I headed for Cannon Beach to hang out for a bit.
I brought Bubbles for the kids
(not the HUGE ONES we saw on the night before) but the kids enjoyed them none the less!

Pretty cool to see Haystack Rock i the background!

Mara and Sawyer weren't quite a successful as Scotlyn and Hawkins with the bubbles but they still tried....and had fun!

Scott is such a fun Uncle!

Rowan spent the morning digging a hole in the sand!
 He hit water and just kept going! lol

Such cute little buggers!

And Scotlyn found a baby crab and tenderly took care of it till she released it back in the water! She loves all living creatures!

It was seriously cool and I don't don't know how these little ones kept playing in swim suits but they did. I guess it's all that energy that keeps them warm!

And Rowan keeps getting deeper and deeper! lol

Mara finally took a breather and snuggled up
 with Mom in a towel!

Scott with his two....
Hawkins and Scotlyn!

Almost there!.......

Awhhhhh, SUCCESS!~

Now Sawyer has to try, but he settled for just covering his legs! lol

And even got a little help from his brother and cousin!

And we finally packed up our belongings and
 headed back to the condo!
A nice warm swim is gonna feel good!

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