Wednesday, February 3, 2010


Deedra had called me Monday while I was at work to see if she and the kids could come over for the evening but I'd made plans with a new sister in the Ward to have dinner and FHE. So we postponed it a day and she was going to come Tuesday.
She emailed me Tuesday and said she'd had a bad night so would I come to her house.
I got home from work and went to the school to walk my 3 miles and then drove to Deed's .
Nikki had written a story at school that she wanted me to hear. She has quite the imagination!
She loves to play "Poptropica" (I think) on the computer so that's pretty much where she planted herself after dinner.
Garrett is so active now and was climbing all over the couch and anything else he could get on!
His mommy was trying to put his jammies on him and he was trying to escape! ....
Almost made it too!

And Jack chews on everything! He's doing a little biting! He was nibbling on my fingers and Deedra said he's bit her shoulder recently ................

And here's WHY .................

He's got a mouth full of teeth now! 6 to be exact! He's got his tongue covering all the top one's!
Cute little guy!
It was a fun evening and Deedra and I started watching the 1st Episode of "LOST" for this season. I was LOST just watching it! That show has so many twists and turns and I just can't keep up so I left at 7:45 to go home and await hubby's call ..... which didn't come! (sniff sniff)
He's having some problems lately due to an office relocation, less phones to call from etc ....
I went to bed and read for a while and then ....... I couldn't sleep MOST OF THE NIGHT !!!
I kept having all the scenarios of LOST popping up in my mind and it drove me crazy!!
Hope you slept better Deedra! lol


Curtis and Deedra said...

LoL, I did sleep a little better last night but still did a lot of tossing and turning. I think I will rotate my mattress and try to go to the store today for new pillows, not to mention birthday stuff.
Lost sure knows how to keep things interesting that's for sure. I sure hope they end it good.

CPTA said...

I hate it when your mind still shuffles around events of your day and late evening... EVERYONE is lost in LOST.. Chris and I haven't watched it so I'm not lost. =)