Sunday, March 21, 2010


Well, we celebrated our 5th family birthday for the month of March and we have 2 more to go before the month is over! Alex turned 5 on the 17th but his party was this evening. It was a super hero party and the kids had a blast.
His cake was Batman & Robin! Michelle did a great job!
He got several gifts with a "Super Hero" theme and he was sure excited about that!! You can tell by the expression on his face!
This was his favorite and it must have been Nephi's too! lol Nephi was sitting on his daddy's lap and you could hear his hoops and hollars over all the noise! It was so cute and funny. We wish we'd had it on video!

All the little boys were very interested in the "Super Hero" games Alex received!!
I can't believe how quickly these grandkids of ours are growing up!! Seems like just yesterday, they were all born.
Happy Birthday Alex!


Curtis and Deedra said...

Turns out the birthday was only half the excitement last night. You left before one of the kids slammed Nikki's fingers in a door and I ended up spending 2 hrs in the ER (mostly because quickcare couldn't take an x-ray and said they needed to). It ended up being something I could have taken care of at home but better to be safe than sorry I guess. The rest of the kids made cards for Nikki because they felt so bad for her.

Unknown said...

Yeah - it was one memorable time!!! ;) Glad Alex had such a great time, and very glad that Nikki's finners will be okay!!! :)