Saturday, March 6, 2010


Today was another busy one. Tony repaired bikes for Deedra and the kids and I weeded the flower beds in the front yard. In the afternoon, Tamara and Chris came over and we went to the Temple and then to dinner for Tammy's birthday. She turned 32 today. It was a very nice evening.
We went to Applebee's for dinner after the session. It was fun. After we got back to Nampa we dropped the kids off and then went to Best Buy to pick up a movie case for Tony. He wants to take some movies back to Iraq. He also "pre-ordered" New Moon. I guess that's "Happy Birthday" to me! lol


Curtis and Deedra said...

That's great that you were able to go to the temple again. Sounds like you're having a great time.

And thank you Dad for fixing our bikes! Nikki was VERY happy. She did some more practicing this afternoon and she's getting a little better every day without her training wheels.

ChrisandTamara said...

Thanks for coming with us to the temple and to Applebee's. I had a great birthday! I love that pic of us in front of the temple. Can I have a copy?

Vernie and Tony said...

Why certainly!! I'll get a copy made for you!