Sunday, March 7, 2010


My 2nd Sunday with Tony has come and gone already! No more till he's home in another 4 months or so. Today was a very special Fast Sunday for us. Brother Walker from the Regional Seventy's was in our Ward along with our Stake Presidency. It was a very spiritual meeting. Brother Walker spoke along with others he called on to come up. It was an incredible meeting. The spirit was so strong.

Afterwards we came home and we skyped with Chris and Princess and got to see little Tristan up close and personal! He is such a beautiful baby. Chris blessed him today and he was so content to be resting in his daddy's arms when we got to see and talk to them.
We the spoke to Scott and Jill and Hawkins and Scotlyn. They have a new puppy and the two little ones were wound up and on the go. We got big wet kisses from them right through the computer screen. It was GREAT!
This evening we picked up Grandma and Grandpa Norton and went to Deedra's. We had a great visit with Deed and the kids. Little Jack has a rash from the virus he's got but was in a good mood. We watched video's of Nikki dancing and of Nikki and Garrett riding their bikes. We also got to see one of Jack using his eye and hand coordination. Very cute! Daddy will see such a big difference in the kids when he gets home.
G&G Norton and the kiddies. Well, kinda!
Nikki wanted to take a picture of Grandpa and me. She did pretty good. We had a wonderful visit and look forward to one with Traci and Jason on Tuesday and Colby and Krista on Thursday. It's been such a wonderful 9 days and I'm savoring the 4 1/2 I have left!!

1 comment:

Curtis and Deedra said...

It was a great evening! My kids loved every minute of it!