Monday, March 8, 2010


We had a great Monday! Joyce & Bob asked us to come over for breakfast so they could visit with Tony before he goes back to Iraq. Mom and Dad Norton were invited too. It was delicious! Joyce made Eggs, bacon, hash browns and Pancakes as well as a fruit smoothie.
Mmmmmm, it was a great way to start our day!
After we finished eating we visited for quite a while and then we walked across the street to our house and we hooked up Tony's camera to the TV and showed them pictures Tony had taken in Iraq. It was a fun morning.
After they left, Tony put down the weed and feed on the lawn.

And we got the garden rototilled and raked. I picked a lot of rocks! I swear, those things seem to grow. Anyway, it looks good!

Then Tony taught me how to use the weed blower. It sucks too! lol ..... so we sucked up a bunch of leaves that were in the rock.

Then we blew what was left into the grass and I'll pick it up with the lawn mower eventually.
It started to rain, which was perfect timing for the weed and feed!
We discovered we have a rock chuck living under our shed. He came tearing across the lawn and nearly scared the living daylights out of me!! I thought he was going to run right into the shed so we both started yelling at it and he made a beeline for the side of the shed and disappeared. We discovered he has a hole at each corner of the shed so we went to Home Depot and got something to take care of him before he takes care of my garden.
After we got cleaned up we went to see "The Blindside" movie and then we rented "Surrogates"
and picked up some Special Fried Rice at the Shanghai Restaurant and came home and vegged out.
Another day gone but we had a great day together and with family!


Curtis and Deedra said...

Special fried rice sounds really yummy right now...mmmmm. It's been a long time since I've had that. Wish we had a garden spot. I really want to learn to grow some of our own food but don't know where to do it. Good luck with that rodent.

Jill and Scott said...

Sounds like another great day! What is a rock chuck though?