Friday, March 12, 2010


Tony flew out this afternoon. I'm not alone though. Heavenly Father is sure looking out for me. My niece Charcie and her boyfriend, fiance, future husband ..... you get the picture :) came for the weekend!

Anyway, they met up last night here in Nampa and are staying with me for the weekend. She drove over from Astoria and he came from Tremonton. They are not officially engaged yet but it's gonna happen! They are an adorable couple. Gonna get married in the Portland temple. Just not sure when YET!
ANYWAY, our last night together was chaotic to say the least. We got home from Boise around 8 :15 or so and went to mom and dad Norton's so Tony could say his goodbyes. We got talking about some paperwork (ie: will & power of attorney) we needed to get done. Anyway to make it easier, Mom was going to scan the old ones into our computer and we'd just change names and dates etc. SO, we went to our house to do it and she couldn't make our computer scan the documents, so Tony and his parents went back over to their house to scan them onto her computer. I stayed home and Charcie and Ben showed up 5 minutes after Tony left.
I fed them, we visited and finally Tony got home around 11PM. He visited a bit and then had to go up stairs to the computer so he could insure he got isle seats on his return trip. We got Ben situated with blankets and pillow so he could sleep on the couch and showed Charcie the guest room upstairs and then I got Charcie and Ben set up to watch a movie.

I showered and hit the sack and read my book. I finally dozed off around midnight and still no Tony. He finally woke me up to say our prayers at 2AM and he still was so wound up he couldn't sleep and was up till 3AM. I slept like a log. We were up at 7AM when Deb, Tony's sister called. We got up and ready to go. We had to go to his parents again to get the final copies of the P.of A. and will and then we had to go get them notarized.
We grabbed a bite to eat (at McDonalds) and headed to Boise to the airport. I went in with Tony and we sat together for about 45 minutes, said our goodbyes ....................
And away he went ................
I headed for Krista's to give Nephi his birthday gift that I forgot to bring to him yesterday. It was a great way to get my mind off Tony leaving and Nephi lifted my spirits when I got there. He was so excited to see me and as soon as I walked in the door he said "I LOVE YOU GRANDMA!" Awhhhhhhh, melted my heart!

It took us a while to get him to open his present! What's up with that ??? He kept hiding the gift box under his mesh toy box!We gave him beanie baby's! Micky, Pluto and Goofy!
He didn't want to me to leave so Krista, Nephi and I drove to the new Hobby Lobby to check it out! We walked around the store for a good hour and it made leaving a whole lot easier! As a matter of fact, Nephi asked to go home! lol A typical man! Doesn't like to shop! :)


Curtis and Deedra said...

That's one good thing about when Curtis left, the kids kept my attention on them and not on him leaving. That helped a lot! And of course they keep me busy the rest of the time so it's not too often that I get down and lonely. Glad you have company to keep you distracted :)

Heather said...

I didn't know Charcie had a serious boyfriend. I thought she was going on a mission.....
Sorry Tony is gone for another 4 months :0( Hopefully Jon, baby, and I will be in town at the end of the month to keep you company!!

Christa said...

sad to see Tony head back :( but I'm sure the next vay-cay you take will be worth the wait it sounds like! Oh, and Charcie will be getting married in Portland?!?! Does that mean we will be getting visitors?! Let us know when the date is set so we can try and get a day or two off to see everyone :) Hope you get to stay busy...which you no doubt will be! I hope you get to see Jon, Heather, and Rowan too :)