Monday, April 19, 2010


About 3 weeks ago, I was in Costco at the information counter and when I turned around, this little gal was staring at me ....... She said
"LaVerne ????" I said "Jane ????"
Then we proceeded to scream and hug and gab for a good 20 minutes!!!

We use to work together at Micron many many moons ago!! She credits me and another gal we worked with (Sandy Whitehead) for getting her and her husband together!
We took each other's phone numbers and addresses down and swore not to lose touch with each other EVER again!!
I called her before Easter and we had another good chat on the phone and then today she surprised me and showed up at the office and took me to lunch!
Her husband Randy is working in Washington right now so we are both husband less at the moment. She is such a great friend and I am so happy we have made contact again!

Friends are priceless! I love Jane! I can't wait for Tony and Randy to meet each other! I predict good times in the future!


Curtis and Deedra said...

What a nice friend to show up at your work and go out to lunch with you. Yay for reunited friendships!

ChrisandTamara said...

That's awesome!