Saturday, April 24, 2010


I flew down to Texas (San Antonio to be exact) to see Chris and Princess and finally meet Tristan! It was a GREAT TRIP and I like to think little Tristan and I bonded! lol He is awesome!

The kids picked me up at the airport Tuesday evening and we met up with Randy and Julie Mumm. Some good friends from Austin! Julie just so happened to have a nursing convention in San Antonio on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday and when she found out I was coming, we made arrangements to have dinner together and have a short visit before driving to Laredo for the remainder of the week!

It was great to see them and they were thrilled to see Chris and Princess again and to meet Tristan for the 1st time! We ate at a Mexican restaurant called the Alamo and it was dang good! Randy's favorite!

It was soooooo much fun to hook up with the Mumms and catch up on each other's families!

It was so great to meet this little guy! He is such a happy baby and has the cutest personality!

This was the perfect time to go because he is starting to interact and talk and smile! It was the BEST!

I'm so proud of Chris and Princess! They are awesome parents! I thoroughly enjoyed my time with all three of them!

OK, he might have fussed a time or two but HONESTLY, most of the time he just smiled and cooed!

CAN YOU BELIEVE THOSE BIG BROW EYES ???? Talk about a lady killer! He is so adorable!

I had no problem getting him to fall asleep! Must have been the QUEEN SIZE PILLOWS! lol

On Wednesday, we went to a park on the Rio Grande and had a BBQ!

Chris made Fajitas on the grill and it was so yummy!

Here's the "Master Chef" at work! Mesquite briquet's, salt and pepper was all it took!

Maybe it was the kind of meat he bought, I dunno ! Maybe it was cuz EVERYTHING cooked over a grill tastes good .....All I do know is it was DEEEE LISH!

After getting home that evening. Chris wanted me to see how much Tristan enjoyed showering with his daddy!

Don't get all excited ......... It wasn't like it sounds! Chris put on his swimming trunks and all 4 of us hung out in the bathroom! I took pictures while Chris and Princess washed and rinsed baby!

He certainly did LOVE it and didn't even cry when we took him out!

LOOK AT THAT FACE ..... HE IS DEFINITELY THINKING ............"Awhhhhh, this is the life!"

Check it out ..............Fast asleep again on those pillows! LOL !

Friday we went to a Flea Market! It was HOT! Nearly 100 and very humid! We found some shade and daddy gave Tristan His shades!

The kids found a BUMBO for Tristan! It was in perfect shape and ONLY $5 dollars! Not bad when the new ones are $40!

They took it home and washed and sanitized it really good and .........................

Wha la! Tristan really liked it! It will help strengthen his neck muscles and give him some booty time! SO Cute!!!
Asleep again!! Well of course! Look where he's at! LOL!

Saturday came way to soon! We had to make the two and 1/2 hour trip to San Antonio again to the airport so we got up and headed out around 11 AM.

It was tough to leave the kids again, especially with this new little addition but I am just so grateful I was able to go and visit! THANK YOU TONY MY LOVE!

I really am grateful for all of our families and all of our grand children! We are so blessed to be parents to 12 wonderful kids and 12 wonderful spouses and 24 TOTALLY AWESOME GRAND CHILDREN ...............and soon to be 25 thanks to our Texas Trio! lol

I couldn't be happier! If they can produce kiddies this cute, they definitely ought to have more!!





Heather said...

Glad you had a good trip mom. Your hair looks good. :0) He sure is cute! I guess the cat is out of the bag...

Jill and Scott said...

YAY! I am glad you had a great time! I am so jealous! I would love to get my hands on that sweet little boy! He has to be the cutest kid I have ever seen, no offense to my own! He is growing up so fast!

Christa said...

Glad you had a nice trip! I can't wait for the day when we can finally meet him :) I think that pic of him fussing is the only one I have ever seen him upset in!

Curtis and Deedra said...

He is extremely adorable. Glad you had a great trip!

ChrisandTamara said...

So glad you had a great time. Tristan is so cute! Love those faces.