Sunday, April 18, 2010


I had a very very BUSY weekend before I fly out for Texas on Tuesday .....

Friday was a Beeyoutiful day! Sunny, warm and just the type of weather needed for getting more of my garden planted. I started after work and continued working until the surprise thunder, lightening and rain storm hit! I loved it though. I got a few more seeds planted before the rain sent me running for the house.
Saturday morning I got up and was in the yard about 9:30. I worked till 3:30, planting the remainder of my garden seeds.
Peas, beans, beets, carrots, lettuce, edaname, potatoes and

The tomato and pepper will get put in when I get home and there's no more fear of frost!
I potted flowers and hung them on the Sheppard's hooks and even lined the edge with marigolds!
The Sweet Peas (IF THEY GROW) will line the edge of the fence and HOPEFULLY grow up the fence ........ Oooooooh, it's so pretty in my mind! We'll see what happens! LOL
I sprayed all the weeds along the edge of the fence and in the decorative rock. I picked up twigs galore that were in the decorative rock! (remains of the ever shedding Willow tree!!)
I mowed and edged the lawn and sprayed "Miracle Grow" on all my newly planted seeds and flowers!

I've got to get the sprinkler system turned on so it won't all be dead when I come home next Saturday! Soooooo, Stillman is coming over Monday night to help me with that!
Bless his heart!
Just a couple of shots of the yard again for my dear Husbands enjoyment!

The tree in the front yard has bloomed a little more and the lilac is budding and should be beautiful and fragrant soon!
After working in the yard all day ............. I came in, took a shower and was too beat to do my hair so I went over to the Log Cabin on the bulevard and had my hair cut and higlighted!
It will be easy to take care of and Art like it so I'm happy! lol
Sunday was a FULL day as well! We had a bit of a scare! After sacrament was over Lynn told me she was taking Art to the hospital. Come to find out, he has a UTI and his lung had a film over it (close to catching pneumonia) so he is on antibiotics and will hopefully be feeling better SOON!
I was invited over to Kim and Glenda's for dinner and had a lovely visit with them. After eating Kim and I went to the Nampa Christian school and walked for a couple of miles.
Mom and Dad Norton came over to my house for a bit to give us the news on his condition. Bob and Joyce came over too when they arrived and we all had a good visit until I had to go on RS visits with Shelly, our new President!
No rest for the wicked ..... lol! It really was a GREAT weekend though.
Last Friday on my lunch break, I drove to Kuna to see the progress on Traci and Jason's home!
I should have posted these 1st but I didn't so ................

Here's the new fridge that was missing in my last post!

The new table and chairs!

The new couch and love seat in the living room!

AND, the new couch and love seat in the basement family room!
She wanted me to wait till she was all moved back in and unpacked but I'm impatient and have enjoyed posting the continual progress! It really is lovely and she has been getting Killer Deals on her furniture purchases! She's a GREAT shopper!

I leave Tuesday morning for Texas so there will be a break in the action BUT you can bet I'll have a TON of pictures of Tristan when I return!
Let's just hope my yard is still alive when I get back!

1 comment:

Curtis and Deedra said...

You are doing a great job with the yard and garden! Enjoy your trip!