Sunday, May 23, 2010


I've caught a view episodes of the show HOARDERS and have become a bit parinoid. In some ways I think I am one ! Although I think I'm an organized hoarder and NOT as serious as the ones on the TV program but I think I have some of those tendencies!

SOoooooo ..... I've started cleaning house!

I'm going to have a garage sale with my friend Kim so have started putting things aside for that.

The last couple of days, I've been going through mine and Tony's pictures and have been separating them for all the kids. That has actually been kind of fun but I told Tony that as parents, I think we are all the same. We have zillions of pictures of the eldest child and a lot of the 2nd and a little less of the 3rd and even less of the 4th and hardly any of the 5th and so on and so on ...... I found very few of poor Phillip and Deedra and what I did find of the younger children (mine included) had a lot of other kids with them. SORRY KIDS! lol Just a note to you ..... Don't do what we did. Take a lot pictures of your younger kids and make sure a lot of them are pictures of them by them selves as well as with their siblings.

Anyway, that was a fun cleaning project and I think the kids will get a kick out of the pictures. I can sure see a lot of resemblances of the grandchildren in their parents!

My next project will be my craft room! WOW! That's gonna be a job!

It doesn't look this bad ................
But if I don't get to it soon it will !! ha!
Actually, my pantry is gonna be looking like this if I don't get to it pretty soon. That will have to come after the craft room is done! ONWARD AND UPWARD TO RECOVERY! lol
PS: Just so you know ..... this isn't my house ..... it's off the INTERNET!
I just don't ever ever want to get to this point!


CPTA said...

Yeah that's pretty nuts! Man.. I know Chris would NEVER let us get that way... ;)

I Skyped (or G'pa calls it Skip) with G'ma and G'pa last night. I told them I'd try and get the video posted ASAP. We're headed to Jill's this afternoon for a few days.

Curtis and Deedra said...

Yeah, I was always sad that there weren't very many pics of me and my baby book was empty. But my kids don't even have baby books. They have baby calendars instead for the first year. However, I think I'm actually getting better at taking more pictures the more kids I have. Have fun decluttering!

Jeremy and Brigitte said...

You are to tidy to be a hoarder. And tony is also very neat, so I don't think you could ever get to that point!