Saturday, May 15, 2010


A post for Tony ~

You can be very proud of Colby (which I know you are) He graduated today from BSU ...
(OF COURSE ..... where else ?)

MAGNA CUM LAUDE !! It was a beautiful day. Weather was Perfect!! Deedra and I rode over to Boise with Mom and Dad and the ceremony was actually very good ..... (you know some graduations can be very boring but this one wasn't)

Afterwards we met on the campus grounds and congratulated Colby on a job well done!!
Here he is getting a BIG HUG from his wonderful wife Krista and his gramma and sister's looking on!

A proud wife and mother!

Nephi was so cute!! He kept saying "Dad, you graduated!"

The graduate and his professor (who couldn't say enough good things about Colby! ) He was very nice and personable and boasted about Colby's abilities! It was awesome!

A proud Grampa and the graduate!

Afterwards we went home and later in the day we all met up at ANN MORRISON PARK for a family picnic and graduation celebration.
Krista and Rachel were off buying the sub sandwiches and here's some of the hungry crowd awaiting their arrival.

I was fortunate to get Claire and Mostyn to come with me. They played some catch ball with Uncle Nate and Uncle Colby.

It was so good to see the kids and I think they had a great time playing with the cousins on the Norton side.

Derek and Rachel and family drove in from Salt Lake on Friday night. It was great to see them.
The kids are growing up so fast! Sarah is becoming a real beauty!

YAY! The sandwiches are here!! It didn't take us long to make short order of the food!


The Three Amigos!! Blake, Mostyn and Claire!
(Claire got glasses a few weeks ago!)

And a family shot of our Utah Kids! They are so cute! (Even Derek and his cheesy smile!)
It was a great day! The only thing missing was Tony and the Stewart kids! .................
and Phillip and Nycole and Tammy and Chris had another commitment ...............
Honestly, it will be a miracle if we can get us all together sometime!
We won't quit trying though!
Anyway, Congrats to Colby! We are ALL proud of you joining the ranks of ALL our College graduates!



Curtis and Deedra said...

Congrats Colby! I love all the pictures. I was too lazy to take any at the park. It was such a busy and long day. And I say long only because I woke up at 6am, didn't get any nap, and then didn't get to bed until 1:30am Sunday morning. But it was a very fun day though!

It will be a great day when that miracle happens :)

CPTA said...

Congrats to Colby!Way to go!!! yeah it would be nice to have a lil reunion....

Jill and Scott said...

Yay Colby! That is so great. And thank you Verne for taking Claire and Mostyn with you. Seeing the pics of them made me cry. I miss them like crazy!!!