Sunday, May 16, 2010


Hey Tony, my dear! Check out some of the lovely things growing in our yard!
My baskets that I planted are really starting to take off! I'll take some pictures when they are hanging over the sides ( in a few weeks)

The Iris are in bloom and so I wanted you to see them before the flowers die and they are just green! Just beautiful!

Another hanging basket under the eve of the house !

And I bought myself a Fuchsia for Mother's Day because I felt I deserved it! lol
It's from you OK??

And this is our blackberries gone wild ..........
As you can see the weed killer I sprayed on the grass up against the fence didn't kill it!
I must have to use a heavier strength.
The lilac bush is in bloom and it smells sooooooo good!
Anyway, just thought you'd like to see.


Jill and Scott said...

Absolutely beautiful!!!

Curtis and Deedra said...

I love the Fuchsia! Everything looks beautiful!