Sunday, May 2, 2010


I got a call on Friday while I was at work from Terri Jo. I use to babysit her and her brothers when I was a teen. She is married with 3 little kiddies of her own now.

( I went to visit her a couple of months ago when she 1st moved to Boise and her dad had come to town. )
Now, her mom is in town for a visit so she called and invited me over for dinner today (Sunday)
Her mom Joan and I use to work together at Touch America back in the day!
We had a great visit and a most delicious dinner!

Joan Heimark, me and Terri Jo (can't remember Terri's married name)

My parents will enjoy seeing this blog!


Unknown said...

That is so neat!!! I can't believe how many people you're running into lately - how wonderful!!! :)

Anonymous said...

hello... hapi blogging... have a nice day! just visiting here....