Saturday, June 19, 2010


Traci was out of town this past weekend and Jason needed to bale hay. It's been so wet that he hadn't been able to get it done and this weekend it was ready to be put up. I told him I would keep the kids so he could get it done. Can't bale hay with 4 children needing attention and especially Andrew! He's a handful no matter what the task! lol

Anyway, I picked the kids up Friday after work and took them into Meridian to the Dairy Days Parade! There was a BIG turnout but we managed to get seated right on the street in front of the carnival. It gave Andrew something to look at before the parade started so it was perfect!
Here he is running back to me with a big smile on his face, a candy in one hand and a binky and string cheese in the other! What more could a two year old ask for!

The three older kids all got a shirt in the parade but Andrew insisted on wearing Isabel's and she is such a sweetheart, she let him! It looked like a dress on him but he didn't care! He insisted on wearing it on Saturday too so he must have liked it! ......... A LOT!!

Saturday, we drove to Emmett to check out the Cherry Festival. It was pretty cool but I'll warn ya right now, if you ever go, be sure to bring a wad of cash! It was expensive!!! We basically ended up walking around and looking at all the booths that were selling things, eating our snacks that we brought from home (thank goodness) AND watching the belly dancers that were performing on stage! (Andrew was really getting his groove on when we did that) It was funny to watch him shake and bob his head!
As we were leaving Caden got to throw 4 balls at the dunk tank and he dropped the little girl TWICE! It was impressive!
We then headed back to Boise and eventually to Kuna just as it was clouding up and getting ready to rain yet again! Jason was so grateful for the break because he was able to get his work done before the big rain storm that evening. It came down hard as I headed back to Nampa.
I went to Deedra's for an hour so she could go get gas and a few groceries before Sunday.
Then I hurried home and cleaned up before my dear sweet husband skyped me from Mosul!
Mom and Dad Norton came over and we had a good visit with Tony! A perfect end of a busy day!


Jill and Scott said...

You are amazing! I hope I have your energy when I get older, cuz I don't have it now! Ha! Tell Tony happy fathers day from all of us! Love you!

Curtis and Deedra said...

I've never been to the Cherry Festival before. It looks like the kids enjoyed themselves. Way to go grandma!