Monday, June 14, 2010

Oooops ..... I DID IT AGAIN!

WOW, what a weekend! Spent 2 days in bed!
I had made plans with a couple of friends to go to Melba to the community garage sale and I was the designated driver so was pretty much obliged to go.
I got up Saturday morning and was in the shower and decided to shave my legs! You know how it is~ gotta have clean shaven legs for a bunch of rednecks!
I had one leg up on the shower seat and was hard at it and POW! My back slipped out and I nearly buckled right there on the shower floor! Glad I was able to make it out on my own cuz that would not have been a pretty sight for anyone to clean up!

My friends were countin on me so I managed to get dressed and went to pick them up. We drove to Melba and they did most of the looking around while I hung out in the reclined position in my car. Mary wanted to get "the best hamburger around" before going home so she told me to go to "Cook's Two Hole" bar and grill. We got a burger and ate it outside. Mary said she had a pill in her back pocket that would help me out. She gets them for migraines. I was reluctant but she convinced me it would help the back pain and I had just eaten so would be alright. I took it and we headed home. I dropped the girls off and I went home to lay down and sleep. After a couple of hours I decided I wanted to get up and go to JoAnn's to use a 50% off coupon I had because it expired that day. I managed to get into the car and halfway down the boulevard when the nausea hit me. I immediately made a u turn and headed back home and barely made it to the nice cool commode in the house before losing the "best hamburger around" ..... I was sick the rest of the day and was back in bed till Sunday morning! I was going to go to church but was so stiff and sore (although I wasn't sick to my stomach any more) so I called the R.S. president and told her I was not going to make it. She told my Bishop (who just so happens to be our chiropractor) and he called me and told me to come to his house at 2:30 Sunday afternoon. He said he was leaving town for a week at 4PM so would take care of me before he left! What a blessing! He told me "little wonder your hurting you have 5 disc's out" ..... bless his heart for seeing me yesterday. I'm tender today but feel 100% better. I've got an appointment with his son this afternoon just to make sure I'm still good!

I sure didn't get anything accomplished this weekend! The lawn needs mowed, the laundry needs done, the furniture needs dusted, the garden needs weeded BUT ............. Sometimes, ya just need to slow down and do nothing.
That's exactly what I did this weekend! .............. NOTHING!


Heather said...

Sorry mom. Glad you know your chiropractor so well. Lucky you! Glad you are on the mend. Love you!

Unknown said...

Oh man!!! I'm so sorry to hear you had such a miserable weekend, and I'm so glad that you're on the mend!!! OOOOOOWWWWWW!!! Hope that back stays where it's supposed to -*fingers & prayers crossed!*

ChrisandTamara said...

So glad Dr. Glaetlli was so kind to see you yesterday. So glad you're starting to feel better. Get lots of rest still so you can get fully better. Don't try to catch up all you're work too fast. In fact, maybe you could call your home teachers to mow your lawn. Do you want me to come and dust for you? It's okay to have help - we all need help once in a while. When I had mono Chris had to take over all the chores - bless his heart. And it was such a blessing to have you and others bring in dinners.

Tim & Tash said...

Just the mental picture of that makes me hurt for ya. I'm glad that you are doing a lot better now. How nice to have a chiropractor live so close, and be willing to see you!