Sunday, July 4, 2010


A lot of the family here in Nampa went to the cabin for the 4th of July weekend. I was going to go but then realized it was my Sunday to teach Relief Society. I opted to stay home rather than drive up Friday night just to have to turn around and drive back Saturday night in order to teach my lesson Sunday! Besides, I would have missed skyping with Tony on Saturday night.

Chris and Princess skyped me on both Friday and Saturday so it made it twice as nice.

My lesson went well. I was very happy when it was over because I don't relish teaching adults but all in all I was pleased with my presentation! I got a lot of compliments from the sisters.

After church, I invited some of the families I visit, over for a BBQ! Larry and
Zella are inactive members and Tony and I were assigned to visit them when Tony was home. They took them off our VT/HT beat after Tony went to Mosul but we decided it would be better if I stayed in touch with them. I go see them several times a month and we have become good friends. I also had Kim and her mother Glenda over. They are still on my V.T. route but Kim and I have become good friends as well. She and I went to Eclispe yesterday. It was goooood and fun to get out for some R&R after a big morning working in the yard and garden.

I got out my patriotic plates and it was fun to have the table set for the occasion! We barbecued stake and corn on the cob and I made creamed peas and baby red potatoes (from my garden) ! It was delicious if I do say so myself !!From the left: Larry, Zella, Glenda and Kim~
I had asked my friend Mary to come as well but she had a family emergency come up so she didn't make it! We had a good visit and good food so it was a good 4th! lol

I'm gonna take a nap now.
I'm off tomorrow but I have to get my yard ready for a mother/daughter movie night that will be held in my yard on Tuesday night. I'm gonna rest and get ready for another busy work day!
Hope you all had a Great 4th of July and Happy Birthday to my dear sister Donna! I love you sis!!


Heather said...

I haven't had creamed peas and potatoes for quite some time- sounds good! Glad you are having such a good ol time!

Curtis and Deedra said...

Glad you had a good weekend. We missed you at the cabin.