Tuesday, July 6, 2010


The Relief Society Activities group asked if they could hold a Mother/Daughter movie night in my backyard tonight. I hurried home to clean the patio which seems to be loaded with leaves now. (1st it was dead branches, then cotton and now it's leaves! The dang tree loves to see me clean up after her) After I swept the patio, I picked another good bunch of peas from the garden. I thought I would sit and shell peas while we watched the movie ~ instead, several of the girls I use to have in Primary helped me and we had them done in record time.
Here are the sisters trying to get the movie to play and as it was ..... it never did! ha ha
We were suppose to start at 7PM sharp! We ate popcorn and watermelon and the movie still hadn't started.

The daughters started playing Red Rover in the back of the yard and the mothers sat and visited and enjoyed the beautiful July weather. It wasn't too hot and so it was a great time to visit!

As you can see, some of them are giving up and getting ready to go. It was finally announced that the movie would play but we wouldn't be able to hear it. We opted to just visit a bit longer and then we cleaned up and the sisters and their girls left.

It was 9:45 when the last 2 gals left so I hurried out to the shed and got the spreader out. I've discovered that I have a fungus in my grass called "Red Thread" and I'd bought some stuff at Zamzow's today and I wanted to get it down because it has to be watered within 24 hours and my water comes on in the morning. Got it done in the nick of time ..... it got dark!
Well, thank goodness for outdoor lights!
Good Productive day with some fun as well!


CPTA said...

well looks like you had bit of a crowd there. too bad the movie didn't play, i'm sure you all enjoyed the company.

Curtis and Deedra said...

Next time you'll have to have a back up plan. It seems like that kind of thing happens all the time when it comes to electronics. I couldn't get my senior project video to play when I was being tested on it.
But it seems most had a good time anyway.