Sunday, July 18, 2010


Our eldest grandson Caden, just had his 12th birthday! He was away at Scout camp on his birthday so his parents didn't have a big party for him but I wanted to give him his gift so I made arrangements to go see him on Thursday night after work. Traci told me to call before I came out because they were boating and wasn't sure when they would get home. As it turned out, they didn't get home till late so I postponed my visit till Friday night. I worked the late shift and then went directly to Kuna after work to ......................... wish this young man a Happy Birthday! "HAPPY 12TH BIRTHDAY CADEN!"

Traci and the kids were going to go to Settler' Park to watch a movie. (They have free outdoor movies on Friday night through the summer.) The kids asked if I would go along with them. I was suppose to help my friend Mary move out of her apartment so I called her and she said Elamae was helping her clean the little home she was moving into. She told me to go to the park with the kids and we would hit it hard and heavy on Saturday. Soooooo........


The park is wonderful! Here is Caden and Andrew playing on the musical instruments!
It was hot (100*) so the kids all got snow cone. They had stands set up selling hot dogs, drinks, funnel cakes etc ......

It took awhile for Andrew to start playing in the fountains but once he did, it was hard to get him out!
He would sit on the fountain, wait for his diaper to fill up goooood and then run off dripping !

Isabel, Sophia and her friend as well as Andrew.

I think he was drinking it in this shot!

We finally got him out of the water and in his dry jammies before the movie started. It didn't start till 9:45 PM !! We watched "Monsters vs Aliens" which was kinda funny because the kids had been watching it in their car on the way to the park! lol I didn't get home till midnight. I was pretty tired. Sun and kids do that to me! ha ha
Saturday morning I got up and headed to Mary's. Actually, I beat her to the house. I was there at 8AM and we moved a lot of the small stuff and then the missionary's came at 9:30 and helped us with the furniture.
Here's Elder Smith, Mary and Elder MCadoo. The Elders were great! They worked hard so I went and bought some burgers and fries for lunch and we all sat in the little house and ate together. They are such nice guys! COMPLETELY different personalities. Elder Smith is quiet, reserved and has a real strong southern accent and Elder MCadoo is crazy and wild! ..... in a good way! lol

Elder MCadoo was wearing his favorite "Chuck Norris" shirt! I told him my husband would love it!! ha ha
If I could find one for you dear, I'd buy it!!
Mary and I worked from 8AM to 6:30 PM moving and cleaning. It was fun but I was sure tired Saturday night. I hit the sack as soon as I was done skyping with Tony.
Sunday, I got up and went to my meetings. I skipped choir practice so I could get out to Kuna. I wanted to go to Traci and Jason's ward because Caden was passing the Sacrament for the 1st time. He looked so nice in his slacks and white shirt and tie. He did a great job and I was so proud of him. Our 1st grandson to hold the Priesthood. Awhhhhhh! It was a blessing to be there!
After their Sacrament meeting, I came home and made a "Sour Cream Raisin Pie" for Art's Birthday. He turned 78 on Sunday.
I don't know how it tasted but Art seemed pleased to get it! It was a fun evening. We surprised him and had a whole mess of family there. There was chocolate cake, home made ice cream, cookies and some kind of chocolate nutty bars as well as a strawberry shortcake dessert. We sang Happy Birthday to him and after everyone was done eating, we all gave a memory of growing up in the Norton family or marrying into the Norton family. It will be great for our family history's!

Bob Haverfield wanted a picture of him trying to swipe come merguine off the top of the pie! lol Good ole BOB!
We played some Uno later in the evening and several of the family talked to Tony when he called me. It was a fun filled, work filled last 4 days!


Christa said...

You're a busy lady :) Loved the pictures of the kids - I can't believe Caden is 12!

Heather said...

You are a busy lady! You go nonstop! Looks like ya had fun. I can't believe Caden is 12!