Saturday, August 21, 2010


Tony's last week home ~ and we made every minute count.

My parents left on Wednesday morning and made it home safe and sound! They had a bit of a delay due to construction and some rain on Lolo pass so got home a little later than expected ....
but we are grateful for their safe trip and the wonderful visit we had with them.
They did discover that their portable CD player was stolen from their car (while sitting in our driveway) so they stopped in Weiser and bought a new one so they would have something to listen to going home. We've since talked to the neighbors on both sides of us and found out that they have BOTH had things stolen recently. One from the house and the other from the car!
Thanks for coming Mom and Dad ..... we love you!
After the folks left, Tony and I drove to Boise and had a good visit with Phillip and then went to Tucano's for dinner. He had a birthday card from them and so he ate free!

We stopped and saw Stillman and Michelle & boys on our way home. (Stillman had all kinds of "Football News" for Tony) He wasn't far from his laptop ..... staying up on all the BYU going independent news!
We made plans to go out Friday night with Tammy & Chris, Melissa and Nate and Stillman and Michelle while at their home.
Thursday was spent resting and visiting with some neighbors. We also made some food preparation and plans for Art and Lynn's BIG 60th wedding anniversary party.

Friday and Saturday morning we were VERY BUSY around the yard. Tony (bless his heart) helped me clean out the garden .....(ashamed to say it got the better of me this year and was basically a home to a gopher and a pile of weeds!) He rototilled Saturday morning and we also cleaned all the weeds out from behind ours and the neighbors fence. Then Tony used round up all around the place.
Friday night we went to "The Sorcerer's Apprentice"...... as it turned out, it was just Stillman and Michelle, Tammy and Tony and myself. Melissa and Nate decided to go golfing and Chris went Home teaching. They missed a GREAT movie! We all thoroughly enjoyed it!!
THE PARK AFTER ............
We didn't get a specific head count but we figured we had around 70 people there.

Michelle took a picture of Art and Lynn and had it displayed on the table. It turned out really well! Michelle is getting a pretty good business going. We're proud of her!

The Lovely Couple! Married 60 years now! (Well almost! Their actual anniversary is September 14th but they wanted to celebrate it while Tony was home) awhhhhhhh !

They were lucky enough to have THREE cakes made for them. Tammy made the 1st one (on the left) and it was beautiful! Hers was decorated with real flowers. The other two were made by Pam ( Art and Lynn's niece) Pam decorates cakes for a store she works at.

Some of the guests starting to eat. Honestly, I don't know several of them so your going to have to put a name to the face ....(unless your on my side of the family .... lol then your guess is as good as mine!)

I know several in this picture and Debbie would kill me if she saw this shot! (She's Jacks wife and Jack is Art's brother)

Stillman, Michelle, Colby and Nephi .... I'm sure their talking about FOOTBALL!
Wana bet? lol

Nate and Alivia and Sally. Congrat's to Sally. She's gonna have a baby!
The grand kids heading off for the playground!

Glenn (Tony's cousin and his Aunt Debbie as well as his sister Debbie in the black)

Our shrinking Krista and Uncle Jack and Aunt Debbie. (Art's brother & his wife)

Lynn's sister Ada Karen and her husband Melvin and her sister Joyce with her husband Bob and
Aunt Thelma (between Bob and Joyce)

Garrett, Curtis and Deedra.

Nephi and his daddy Colby!

Joyce & Bob Haverfields daughter Heidi Neider and Ken Norton (Tony's brother) and his daughter Emmy Sue.

The Norton girls from Utah! They ALL have a ton of hair ..... it's so NOT FAIR!!
Erica, (Sally, not from Utah but expecting her 1st) Alexis and Natasha. Darling girls. Dan is the newly married son in law to Daryl and Karla. He married MacKenzie. (not pictured)

Diane (one of the twins) and Art. Art was telling us how he met Lynn when they were kids!

It was a fun gathering! The weather was overcast and perfect! We hoped it would be like that and it was.
Tony and his nephew Andrew and his wife Ashley! We were all packing up to leave at this point and saying our goodbyes.
It was a gooooood party!

1 comment:

Christa said...

You guys were SO busy! Hope Tony has a safe trip back home :)