Thursday, September 23, 2010


Well, it's not the "S" word but it's dang close!!
I turned 59 today!
I worked the late shift and when I arrived at work, Nancy had my computer looking like this....

Then she was kind enough to make me a nice breakfast of bananas, apples and a cinnamon roll!

Very Sweet! I heard from ALL my kids by phone and several more on Facebook as well as Birthday wishes from nephews, nieces, cousins and my sisters and friends! I even got a Birthday wish from my X husband! ha ha! That was unexpected! Anyway, it was awesome! I got like 25 messages! I loved it!!

Later in the afternoon, I was surprised by Krista and Nephi! They brought me a Smiley balloon and a plate of delicious chocolate cookies! Mmmmmmm, they were so good!

A couple of days ago Nate asked me if I would take Ellie to her soccer practice tonight because they went to a Retirement party for a co-worker. Aunt Becky dropped Ellie off at 5:30 at my office and we left for Liberty Park about 5:45. She played at the park while we waited for her team to show up ............

Finally about 6:45 another family showed up and confirmed to me that I was at the right park. Then 15 minutes later the mother of Ellie's team mate comes up to me and tells me that she just realized that the practice was canceled and they were getting their pictures taken at a different location~ SO, Ellie and I went to Burger King and had a burger! PARTY ON!! lol
I got a call from my parents when I got home and then from Tony ...... My parents remembered....Tony didn't! ha ha. He said the days just roll right into each other. I totally understand and I'm not offended. I love him and realize that when ya work everyday straight for 4 months, it's bound to mess with your mind!! I won't let him off the hook when he's back home though! ha ha
Anyway, I'm leaving for Utah tomorrow after work to celebrate with Jon, Heather and Rowan.
It will be a great weekend and an even better birthday if the BRONCO"S kick Oregon's Butt.

1 comment:

CPTA said...

I'm glad that you had a good birthday! Sweet memories. My dad still greets my mom on the X anniversary. yikes! Hope you had a good time in Utah with Heather, Rowan and Jon. We love and miss you!