Sunday, September 26, 2010


I was able to go down to Salt Lake City this past weekend and I had a wonderful time! I left Friday at 2PM. (I skipped lunch for a couple of days so I could leave early) .... After seeing my pictures, I've decided to take the 8 week challenge and skip a few more lunches more about that later)

My niece Charcie was married last weekend in Portland and she and her husband and had another reception in Tremonton Friday night so I was able to stop and wish them well. I didn't stay for the reception because I wanted to get to Heather's before dark but it was good to get to see them. They are such a cute couple!
I got to Heather's around 7:30PM. They just bought a home in Layton and it is so cute! They are doing a fair amount of fixing up and they have replaced the floors with tile and pergo and new carpet and it is soooooo nice!! I was excited to get to see their new home!!

We gave Rowan a Buzz Lightyear for his 2nd birthday and he was in 7th Heaven! He LOVES Buzz and so he was one happy camper!
They gave me a lovely new shirt which I absolutely love! Thanks kids!

Saturday, Heather and I put primer paint on the walls of one of the bathrooms so Jon could paint while we were at the Women's Conference.
We went into Salt Lake and it was awesome to get to go to the Conference Center to hear the messages from The General Relief Society Presidency but especially from President Monson! I loved every minute of it and even in the midst of all those thousands of women, we saw women we knew!! Heather saw her sister in law and I saw a friend I knew when I lived in the 23rd ward in Boise years ago! It was great!!
We had pretty good seats too! Although, I don't think there is a bad seat in the house!! lol

Afterwards, we met up with my little sister Lori and she treated us to dinner at the GateWay Mall ..... a restaurant that Heather use to work at before she was married! (The Typhoon!)
It was sooooo good! It was great to see Lori and we had a great visit!
Jon called us as we were finishing up dinner and asked when we were coming home. Evidently, Rowan decided to do a little painting himself while Jon was washing the big picture window in the kitchen. He got paint all over the new tile and some on the new carpet.
Heather and I were panicked because we didn't know just how bad it was so we were trying to get back home in a hurry. We had to stop in Farmington to get gas and Heather went through a yellow light and a police officer pulled in right behind us as (lights a blinking) as we pulled up to the gas pump. He asked us where we'd been and we told him. He went back to his car and we thought for sure we were going to get a hefty ticket.
He came back and told Heather he was going to just give her a warning but that she had to go in and get a Utah license because she still has an Arizona one. WOW! What a relief!
We continued on home to see the damage.
Jon had done a pretty good job of getting the paint off the carpet but there was still a fair amount in the grout of the tile. I got an old tooth brush and started scrubbing with little success until I started using some paint thinner. It came up pretty good then. There's a trace but it could have been much worse!
The funny thing was all the paint on Rowan!! He had it all over his hands and feet (it was dry by this time and not coming off real well) Heather was calling him Picasso at this point!!
Here he is giving us a raspberry in the tub!
It was a fun weekend and I was able to get home Sunday evening in time to SKYPE with my WONDERFUL HUSBAND! Thank you Tony for allowing me to go to Utah and have such a great weekend. I love you with all my heart and appreciate the good man you are and the sacrifice you are making for us. YOUR THE BEST!!! ........ And, the Bronco's won!! Whoo hoo!!


Heather said...

Thanks for coming mom. A joy, as always! Thanks for helping me paint. Our date was fun....til Jon called and the officer pulled me over! LOVE YOU!! Next time I will know how firm you like your "bed!"

ChrisandTamara said...

Glad you had a great weekend! Conference was wonderful! Always enjoy - can't wait for the rest of it this weekend. So did the paint come off of Rowan? Man o man - aren't kids fun? Katie's always coloring on things and getting into things. They keep you on your toes. Sorry I missed wishing you a Happy B-Day. Happy belated birthday! Sure love you!!!!

Curtis and Deedra said...

Rowan looks so cute in the bath tub. Glad you enjoyed yourself!