Tuesday, January 11, 2011


Tony and I each got an Ipod Touch for Christmas! I am so computer/technical illiterate that I didn't know how to download anything to it! Traci was going to come over to help me get started but she has been so darn busy it didn't happen. Then on the 1st when Ellie and Isabel got baptized, Traci asked me to come out early and she would go through the apple program with me and show me what I needed to do. I did and I took notes so when I went home I headed straight for the computer and tried to download the apple program. I actually thought I had done it but still couldn't get the program she showed me to come up. Then this past Sunday evening, Stillman, Michelle and the boys came by. I had asked Stillman if he would put the little refrigerator back in the shed for me so he came to do it.
I asked him if he knew how to download to the Ipod (duh? that was a dumb question .... all of Tony's boys are computer genius's) He looked at the computer and I didn't have the program in at all. lol Whoda thunk it?
He got things rolling for me and I've been downloading all mu CD's with a vengeance ever since!!
Isn't it lovely .... Hmmmmm .... I believe that's a song I have on here! lol
I bought a pink protective cover for mine and a black one for Tony! We'll be busy downloading to his when he gets home. So far I've put 1055 songs on mine and I'm not even close to being done! It's so awesome!
Lucky me!!!

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