Monday, January 17, 2011


My sweetheart flew home for a couple of weeks last Friday. He was suppose to get in at 12:30 (noonish) but was waylayed at customs in Atlanta so he missed his flight! It all worked out OK and he was here by 2:35 in the afternoon on Friday! Because of the delay in the arrival time, none of the kids were able to make it because children were napping, or coming home from school. BUT, Art and Lynn and Bob and Joyce were all there so we had a nice welcoming committee for him! lol
We celebrated a couple of birthdays on Saturday night at the Butterfields home. It was Nikki's on the 11th and Deedra's is today. It was fun cuz a lot of the kids came so Tony was able to see them that evening.
Here's Nikki .... our birthday girl! A big 7 years old!
Her gifts and cake!
And here's Nikki with the other birthday girl! Her mommy Deedra!
And here's Tony and the kids that were at the party! Melissa wasn't feeling good so we'll catch up with her this week!
It's GREAT having my hubby home! I haven't laughed this hard for 4 months!!

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