Sunday, February 6, 2011


We met up at Curtis and Deedra's tonight to celebrate Jack's 2nd birthday!
Boy! Was he excited! It was like he knew THIS party was his!!
He was all smiles and greeted everyone that came in with a big hug!!
His cute little Birthday cake!~

Nikki was so excited because Gramma GG gave Jack fireworks ! She could hardly wait for the sparklers and pops to begin!!

Jack blowing out his candle (A big #2) with a little help from daddy!

He got some clothes and he was happy to get them!! He held them up to his face and said "clothes" with all the love and happiness he could muster! IT WAS ADORABLE! Don't see too many kids excited about a pair of pants and a shirt BUT he was!!

He got a couple of books and immediately set to reading them!! UPSIDE DOWN EVEN!! It was so cute!

His parents bought him his 1st car!! He pretty much sat in it the rest of the night!!

He was pretty serious in this picture! Not sure what was going through that cute little head....maybe wondering if it was safe to get out .... will someone confiscate my wheels???
It was a fun evening!
Happy Birthday Jack!


Curtis and Deedra said...

You're always so fast to get pictures blogged and you got some better shots than I did. Jack getting excited about clothes was so cute!
And FYI, we didn't buy him that car. That was the best part! We got it for FREE from a gal I visit teach. I think I spent the least amount of money on his birthday than any other birthday for our kids and it turned out great!

Vernie and Tony said...

It's OK Deedra. Michelle did some photoshop on my blogs so I have different paper now! She does such a great job!

I forgot about the car. I remember ya telling me that it was given to you! oops!