Monday, March 14, 2011


I went to Nate and Melissa's on Sunday evening to see how Melissa was doing and to see if they were going to do a party for Blake. Melissa is still having very rough days and she said she just couldn't handle a big birthday celebration this year. She said Blake was getting old enough that he doesn't care anyway. They were going to go to Smokey Mountain Pizza for dinner tonight as a family.

SO, I was glad I brought our gift over to him and was able to watch him open it.
I had a good visit with the family and was happy to find out that Melissa was able to get through her Turbo Kick Class on Saturday.

Now onto more Birthdays this week!

(Photo to follow soon as Nate sends it to me! lol)

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Yay!!! :) I was wondering if they were planning a party, too; glad you got to join them for a visit and celebration with Blake! :)