Saturday, April 30, 2011


Jayden and Scotlyn turned three on Thursday!

Three years ago we were trying to be at both arrivals! It was an exciting day! We went to the hospital in Nampa and got to see Jayden come into this world and then we hurried to Meridian to witness Scotlyn's arrival bit missed it by .....
THAT MUCH!! boo:(

Now due to DISTANCE .... I got to be at Jayden's 3rd birthday but of course missed Scotlyn's! boo again! :( but ..... we will be going to Arizona in June so we'll still celebrate with Scotlyn ........ only later!

Jayden loves Thomas the Train and his mommy made him a darling cake! Delicious cake and toys on top! Doesn't get any better than that! Reminds me of cakes my dear mother use to make for us. She would hide money inside and we thought that was GREAT!!

Here's Jayden showing me how BIG he is now!! Jayden got a lot of Thomas toys and Thomas clothes! He was happiest with his Thomas puzzles and AMAZED us with his skills!! He can put a puzzle together faster than I can type it!! NO KIDDING! It was truly phenomenal.

And then he held up his three fingers to show me how OLD he is now!!

Scott sent me a picture from his phone of Scotlyn with her birthday gifts! She got a kitchen and plastic food! And a princess castle! She is such a cute little Princess herself! Love her Cheesy smile!

I'm gonna have to bring her some felt food to go with her kitchen! We missed getting to celebrate with this cutie but we will .....later! I'm sure Scotlyn will whip up a delicious meal for me and Tony in her new kitchen! lol


Stillman said...

They are so cute!!

Curtis and Deedra said...

I agree. They are both so cute! And I can't believe how big they look, especially Scotlyn since we never get to see them.