Wednesday, May 25, 2011


I was invited to the graduation of "ALEX PARKER NORTON" today at lunch. It was a packed house. Luckily, Stillman and Michelle got there early and saved us a seat. As I parked at the Stake house, Deedra pulled up beside me so we walked over together with Garrett and Jack.

The graduates enter and Alex was looking at all the people to see if we were all there!!

Here he is just before being seated on the Graduation Grandstands!!

Each class (there were 3) sang an adorable song!

Then all 3 classes sang together and we were all suppose to sing along. They really got into it! IT WAS SO SO CUTE!

Then they were called up to receive their graduation certificate. I thoroughly enjoyed myself. I had to leave a wee bit early to get back to work but I was so glad they invited me!!

Congratulations Alex! The Sky is the limit now!!

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