Friday, May 27, 2011


I've had to open and close shop the last two days as Nancy has taken some time off. Heather spent her last days visit with Traci buying fabric for a purse, taking the grand kids to McDonald's for lunch, going to Jumpin Jungle and finishing off the day working on decorations for the Birthday party that Traci is helping with tonight. (OK, that was a stretch ......She's basically doing it all! Decorations, games, etc! It's for a Doctor's 5 year old)

Anyways the girls asked me to come out to Kuna when I got off work to go to the Pinewood Derby because the little girls were racing. When I got there Traci was finishing up making a bunch of tissue paper flowers for the party. We loaded up the family and headed to the church.

They don't have a lot of Scouts so the girls get to race cars as well! (Achievement Days) Here's Sophia and Isabel proudly showing off their cars!

Time to weigh in! Dad's helping them make sure the weight is just right!

Even Andrew made one and was trying to weigh his car all by himself!! lol
He eyed those trophy's and wanted one !!

Hmmmm! Maybe I need a little more than 25 cents worth of weight! lol What do ya think Gramma??

Rowan eyed all the cars and was pretty excited about the upcoming races!

I'm sure he would have loved to get his little hands on several of them! The cars were all interesting! There was a "Justin Bieber Mobile" (Justin was plastered all over it ....and it was VERY fast!! (a "MaryKay Car" It was all pink and pretty! lol)

a "School Bus" ..... (seriously a bus and for the shape of it ..... it was pretty fast too!)

...even one with two passengers glued to the top! (make my picture bigger & check it out .... so funny)

It was fun to see how clever little boys and girls can be!

Rowan got really excited when the cars raced! He'd clap and say "YAY"!! It was so cute!

The girls watching and waiting patiently while the Scouts raced.

I hadn't been to a Pinewood Derby in a lot of years and it was really fun to watch! I couldn't believe how technical the track is! All hooked up to a computer and all! ......

AMAZING really!!

Andrew was hilarious! He raced his car all over the gym instead of down the track! He was pretty proud of his "Lighting McQueen" car as he called it! It was a winner in his eyes! He didn't have to prove anything to anybody! lol

As it turned out, Sophia WON 1st place!! Isabel's didn't place (and it broke her heart) boo:( she was so sad BUT hers did beat a lot of other cars and she got to pick where to eat after the race! It was so fun .... and that made her happy!

Looking back, it's been a busy couple of weeks with all the goings on!! Heather is leaving today. She and Rowan stopped by the office to say goodbye!

Do ya think Rowan is unhappy to be going home? LOL Naw, that's just Rowan!

I think he's sad because he can't find his little green "Thomas Train" ........ I'll have to see if I can find it when I clean house.

I'd be sad too!

Rowan painted me a flower with his hand! Awhhhhhh, thanks Rowan! Gramma loves you!

Bye Heather & Rowan! Be safe!! Had a great visit with you two!
NOW .....................

I have a lot to do in the next three days before Tony comes home!

I'm gonna be busy ...... well I've been busy ........ But that's what Gramma's do!



Heather said...

thanks for having us mom! i had a great time. two weeks away- just what the doctor ordered! :0) thanks for putting up with me and rowan- i know we both can be handfuls! :0) keep making those bags!

Vernie and Tony said...

It was a GREAT visit! Thanks for coming! I know that Traci's SURPRISE BIRHDAY was just what she needed too! I had a great time and WE always learn something new to make when we're together. I've got 7 bags done now! lol I love you sweetheart! Your a great little wife and mother!!