Tuesday, June 28, 2011


Tony got home from Iraq the end of May . After a week and 1/2 at home we flew to Texas to spend a week with Chris and Princess and the kids. We left on Friday the 10th of June and got to San Antonio late at night. Chris picked us up and took us to the Hotel he'd arranged for us due to the fact that we couldn't check into the condo till Saturday afternoon.The babies were asleep when we got there so didn't get to see them till Saturday morning. (KILLER) They brought Tristan to our room and he made shy for a bit but not long! We went to their room and I got this picture of Ari. She was laying in her bed and she looked like the angel she is!!

After a quick get to know Gramma and Grampa, the men went to Mickey Dee's to get us some breakfast. Then it was time to hit the pool!

Chris took Tristan swimming and it was already very hot and muggy and so Tristan loved it!!
He loves his daddy so much and really didn't want anything to do with anyone else IF daddy was around!! He is so stinkin cute! (AS IS HIS SISTER!)
On the way to New Braunfels (where the condo was located) we stopped at a snake farm. They had snakes, lizards, spiders, snakes, monkeys, crocs, alligators, snakes, pigs, birds, EVERYTHING ! and did I mention SNAKES!!!!!
I can't believe Tony and Chris holding this thing but then Chris killed and ate one so I shouldn't be surprised! YUCK!
Tristan petting a big Boa Constrictor named Hercules! (How appropriate!)
The family posing (of course the kiddies are watching the interesting animals that were on the ground!)
We got to the condo and I got to love on my babies!! They are so close in age and it is apparent that they love each ! Tristan kisses Ari and shares with her! It is so sweet!

Sunday after church (which was 4 minutes away from the condo) Princess set up her tripod and we got a family picture!! I think Ari was saying .... "Mom, why aren't you holding me?"
Then we changed clothes and walked into the little town of New Braunfels. It is very touristy and we found lots of fun little shops!
It's also very TEXAS!! It was an interesting little place.
One more picture before heading home.
On Monday we packed up and drove into San Antonio (30 minutes away) and enjoyed time at the ALAMO!
It was another HOT HUMID day but we thoroughly enjoyed being with the kids. The babies were awesome!
We went to the River Walk and ate at a Cafe Ole'. We were up at the outside table and I took this picture of Chris and Tristan right below our table. Notice the water isn't mountain clean like Idaho! lol

After lunch we went to" Ripley's Believe It Or Not" .............
I felt a little better about myself after standing next to this woman! lol It was fun so we headed down the street to the "Buckhorn Saloon and Texas Ranger Museum"
Isn't she cute !! I got to pack her for a while and I LOVED IT!!! I never had any of these cool contraptions when my kids were small so it was a new experience for me!!
We went to a ride called "Tomb Rider" and we had to wear the three D glasses and shoot at things. Tony was the high scorer and I think Chris and Princess tied ......
The Buckhorn Saloon was a very interesting place! There were SO MANY STUFFED ANIMALS!! The walls were covered and I mean covered!!!!
They even had this guy who we found later in Tombstone as well! lol He must get around!!
This was Bonnie & Clydes vehicle ...................REALLY!!!
After a very busy day in downtown San Antonio, we headed back to the condo and did some swimming.
I found that when we were in the truck traveling, the kids loved me to sing "The Wheels On The Bus" and it always got a smile out of them.............

And it even made Ari laugh out loud!!

Apparently I don't sing like her mother! Bah ha ha! WHO KNEW!!!

We spent a few hours at Splash Town Water Park too but I didn't get any pictures there.

But I got plenty at the condo pool. Ari seemed to love it as much as Tristan .... even after her ole chubby gramma jumped in and got her soaked!!
Motor boat, motor boat go so fast!!!
I love this picture!!! A good lookin family, if I do say so myself!! Now home to bed cuz tomorrow's another BIG day!
Tuesday we went back to San Antonio and went to the IMAX Theater and watched a movie on the ALAMO! It was very informative and we enjoyed being in the air conditioning, as it was another HOT HUMID DAY!
This was a gift shop outside the theater.
As was this fellow too! After the movie we went to a wax Museum in downtown San Antonio.
Bumblebee was in the lobby before we went in!
COOL PICTURE!! I figured all the little boys would love to be in this shot!!
Of course I found my favorite Vampires and Werewolves!
And Tony liked the Three Stooges!!
I was fortunate enough to appear on the Oprah Winfrey Show and DANG!!!! I'm bigger than her!!! DIET FOR SURE WHEN I GET HOME!!!

And my all time favorite shot of Princess!!! LOL

After the Wax Museum, we went to a Hall of Mirrors! It was a maze and I know if it hadn't been for Princess, I would be there still!!! NO KIDDING!!

We then took a tour on a Trolley and it took us to some sights around the downtown area! One being the old "Mission Conception"
It was huge especially compared to the Alamo!

Tristan on the hot ole bus on the way back!

And pretty little Ari! The kids are definitely acclimated to the heat because the air conditioning wasn't working on the bus and the kids were so good!

The Trolley we took on the tour! When we were finished we headed back to the condo to rest, swim and eat!!

I loved getting pictures of the funny faces Tristan would make. He and his little sister were such a delight to be around!
He learned to crawl up the stairs at the condo. Chris would put a jelly bean a few stairs up and follow behind him as he climbed to retrieve his treat! He made it to the TOP!!
We all enjoyed the swimming pool at the condo. It was so refreshing in the 100 degree weather .
The cutest little fishes I've ever seen!

Wednesday, we got to go to the San Antonio Temple! It was small but very beautiful. This is Tristan sitting beside the pool and fountain in the front of the Temple.
We watched Tristan and Ariana while Chris and Princess went through a session.
Tony and Ari got along fabulously! She really liked Grampa Tony and he thought she was pretty precious too! She is just adorable!
The Temple was beautiful . Most all of the windows are stained glass! Simply gorgeous!

Thursday, we headed back to San Antonio to ride the River boats on the River Walk. I took this picture in a Hotel that is located on the River Walk and the river runs through it on the bottom level.

It was amazing to see. I loved watching the kids both pack their babies strapped to their chests! Makes me proud!!
Here we are on the Riverboat getting a tour of the beautiful old buildings on the river. Tristan would have been happier but he was teething and not feeling all that great! He was a real little trooper though and hung in there!
I got to carry Ari again and I loved it!! I thoroughly enjoyed this!! Besides, EVERYONE would comment on how cute she is and I'd just smile and say "I KNOW!" ......

On the way back to the Condo we stopped at the Natural Bridge Caverns outside of New Braunfels. This picture was taken before we went down.

Inside was spectacular!!

Not a very clear picture but it was cool to see all the rock formations!
More family and rocks...................
And again .................

Someone was kind enough to take our picture when we were almost out of the cave. Afterwards, we headed back to the condo to get rested up because we were going to have to get up early (3:30 AM) to drive to Laredo because Chris had to train with his dog from 8AM till noon. I wanted Tony to see Laredo anyway so we were happy to go!

Chris and Princess took us out to an authentic Mexican Restaurant that is their personal favorite. A lot of famous people have eaten there. Bill Clinton for one. (I didn't say they were cool famous people) lol We then took Princess and the little ones back to the house to rest and .............................
Chris took Tony and me around Laredo to show us the sights. One being the Mighty Rio Grande!! It was hot enough and I thought about taking a dip .............. NOT!
Although it looked cleaner than the River Walk water ............ lol


Then we drove back to New Braunfels and got to bed around midnight! It was a long day but so worth it to be with the kids!

Chris took us to the airport on Saturday morning and we said our goodbyes to them. (Miss them already) We had a glorious time !!

After our wonderful week in Texas, we flew to Tuscon Arizona to spend a week with Scott and Jill and the kids! They picked us up at the airport and were good enough to have an extra vehicle for us to drive so we didn't have to rent one. We went to get some groceries and then headed for the condo to check in.

Sunday we went to a ward that again was fairly close to the condo. Maybe 10 minutes away! It was Father's Day and Scott and Tony were given a vinyl lettering quote by President Monson about keeping the temple in our sights! ! I was thrilled and said to Tony..... "I know exactly where I'm going to put that!" lol
And I did ...... I put under our Boise Temple picture ! I love it!

We spent a lot of time in the pool and hot tub!
The kids are all water babies and so we were in the pool EVERYDAY at some time or another.

Scotlyn is NOT scared of the water AT ALL!! She would jump in with or without her floaty devices!! She is fearless and one evening she would jump in, get out, jump in, get out, jump in ....(you get the picture!) Some little girls about 7 are watching her and finally one says to me ..."How old is she?" to which Scotlyn promptly reply's "I'm three!" and the little girls say ..."She sure is a good swimmer!! enough said!!
She keeps her head back and her little nose above water and dog paddles like crazy!! It was so fun to watch her!!
Hawkins loved the hot tub!! He was in it nearly as much (maybe more) as he was in the regular pool!
Claire posing on the side for me!
Most every evening we ate snacks and played UNO. Those little ones are getting really good at the game!! I think Scotlyn won several times (with a little help from MOM)
On Monday the 20th we headed to the Sonoran Desert Museum. It was an all day event and very entertaining. There were live shows with animals of the desert and lots and lots of exhibits!
We are standing at the entrance in the picture below and it was a lizard habitat and we counted SEVERAL!!
They had underground exhibits that we all enjoyed . We got out of the scorching heat for one thing!! lol

The fake caves were so fun! Claire looks like she's being gobbled up by a T Rex!
Tony and I at an observation point at the Sonoran Desert Museum. Loved looking at all the Suraro Cactus!
The little Rock Chucks coming out of the rocks!! oops, that's Hawkins!!

Life on the Rocks!!! LOL Dang, that fanny pack and camera makes me look like a tourist!!
These chains hung in front of the Humming bird display so the little critters couldn't escape!!
BUT ....these CRITTER'S got out! Those two little ones are sure cute!!
EVERYDAY, and I mean EVERYDAY after we had done our excursions, we played in the pool at the condo! Here's Mostyn and Claire having fun!

Scotlyn with her floaties and a big smile!!
Hawkins LOVED to be tossed in the air by his dad!! Yahoo!
Then we would come back to the condo and eat dinner. We BBQ several times! Tony the "Master Chef" was on it!! We had steaks one night and fed the kids hot dogs! lol
Wednesday, we got up and drove to Sierra Vista. Their home and Scott's place of birth! (I remember that well ..... I'm the one who brought him into this world) We went to Tombstone 1st ...."The Town That Wouldn't Die", as it was on the way to their home ! We stopped at the graveyard. I was amazed at how many people were buried there.
This guy was strung up by mistake ....... oops! Too late now!
Here's the grave of some of those renegades from the FAMOUS OK CORRAL shootout!!
The infamous " BIRD CAGE " saloon and theater. It had bullet holes in several places and a very worn out stair case that led to the rooms where the ladies of the night worked!!
This red neck was pretty tough!! lol We went into several shops and tried on hats etc. Tony and I bought moccasins at one of them!
When I came out of one of the shops, Scott was visiting with this Apache Indian. They were having such a good conversation that I thought they knew each other. I took their picture and then the chief asks if I want my picture taken with him? Sure why not?
HOLY COW!!! He kissed me on the face and on the hand and it looks like he was going in for the kill ....... actually he was just holding up the peace sign but it looks like he's copping a feel!! lol
After he left, I asked Scott if he knew him. He laughed and said "No, couldn't you smell the alcohol on him? He just wanted to chat and probably wanted some cash for a drink!" ................... Oh well, makes a good story to tell later!!
The kids with a little safer Indian Chief!!
An old train from who knows when!!! 410 to YUMA possibly?? lol
We finally got what we deserve!!! lol
Remember the guy that Jeff curled up with when he was here?? Well, that's him on the floor!! He must have died of loneliness after Jeff left! ha ha

We spent the night on Wednesday at Scott and Jill's new home in Sierra Vista! (Beautiful by the way!!) The Monument Fire was still burning. Scott and Jill were on pre-evacuation notice but the winds had changed direction and so they were spared. We went to a theater to see "Pirates of the Caribbean" (new movie) because the theater was only charging $1 admission and $1 dollar popcorn and drinks for people in the community due to the fire. AWESOME!!
Can you believe it only cost the 8 of us us $20 dollars to see the movie and have treats! AMAZING!!!

The following morning we went to the Kartchner Caverns! (see picture above) They were State owned (unlike the privately owned Natural Bridge Caverns in Texas) They were similar in some respects but very different in other! We were not allowed to take pictures inside . That was the main difference. We were taking by a little train type of vehicle to the top if the mountain (more of a big hill) instead of walking down like the other one!

They had a play area for the kids (above ground) in the main building . Hawk was having fun!

Since we couldn't take pictures inside the caverns , there was a display of the formations found inside and Scott and Scotlyn were kind enough to pose in front of it for me!

They had "SID the SLOTH" stuffed and on display as well!! He was a lot bigger that I'd expected him to be!!
It was very interesting and so much fun to see.
We got back to Tucson and the condo and of course went swimming.
Then on Friday the 24th, we went to OLD TUSCON.
They have filmed hundred's of Western movies there and we had a blast going through the old buildings and watching the live shows!

Jill and the kids waiting( out of the heat..... well kinda! How do you actually get out of the heat when its 100 degrees outside? ) in front of the ole Blacksmith shop!

We went into a saloon to watch a couple of shows! Jill was selected to help out on stage and for her performance she received a bottle of sarsaparilla. The kids had it downed in no time!! lol
She was a natural on stage!! She had to shake her booty and I might say...she's had it down pretty good!!

Tony, Scott and the kids got a picture with the showgirls after their dancin & singing was over!!

Scott found a cell to lock the kids in ...........................
However, Scotlyn found the keys, sprung her siblings and locked Grandpa and Gramma up!! lol
We rode the Merry Go Round .......................
And the ole time Horseless Buggies!!! Jill and Claire............ (Oh, oh, Claire's gonna want her drivers license now!! lol)

Grampa and Scotlyn ...................... I think Scotlyn was trying to see who was tailgating her!!

and Hawkins took one out all on his own! His little legs would hardly reach the gas but he managed!!

Later he got himself a job shinning shoes!!

There was a Wild Wild West show and after the big shootout, the kids got their pictures with the rough necks!!

We found these two hooligans roaming the streets!!!

Like I said, we spent the entire day at Old Tuscon and nearing 5PM, Scott and Jill took the kids and left to go eat and head back to the condo! Tony and I stayed for the last show (The Quick and the Dead) and got our picture taken with them after it was over. I look a mess because the fella that looks like ADAM SANDLER, right next to me, had thrown water on me in the very 1st show we went to that morning! I looked pretty decent when I got to the place and I looked like THIS the entire rest of the day BUT it sure felt good!!! I GOT SOAKED!! and a mighty good tan out of it too!

We left OLD TUSCON and headed back to the condo for more swimming and UNO and then Saturday morning the kids took us back to the airport so we could head for home!

I got a picture of Scott and the family in front of the condo before we said our goodbyes!
It was a great vacation and we thoroughly enjoyed visiting with the boys and their families! I wish so bad that they all lived closer but ya gotta go where the jobs are!! Boo!

JEFF, your next!!!


Christa said...

Glad you were able to get your pictures up! Looks like you had such a good time visiting, Jeff and I were already discussing the itinerary for when you come visit :)

Vernie and Tony said...

AWESOME!!! Can't wait to hear it!!
It's next!!!!

CPTA said...

Great pictures mom! We had such a great time too! Wish it could have been longer! PJ and I hope to get up to Idaho next.