Thursday, July 7, 2011


Tony turned 59 on June 28th. He caught me again but unfortunately I'll pass him up in September! boo:( .....................
We celebrated but it was pretty low key. We just had cupcakes and ice cream bars in the back yard.Jack played on the bench around the tree .................
Jayden found Buzz more entertaining that the BIG kids .........................
The girls enjoyed visiting with one another around the picnic table ..................
Although they were pretty disgusted at some recent news....................

And Tony and the boys enjoyed a visit and relaxing.

The older kids played in the yard. The most memorable event of the evening was right at the beginning of the party. We were all sitting in the living room waiting for Stillman and Michele when all of a sudden we were ALL saying ...."WHAT'S THAT SMELL?" .....

It was AWFUL!!! Melissa thought it was the candles on the table she was sitting next to. I assured her that I would have thrown them out long ago if they put off that kind of a smell !!
We all got up and started checking kids pants and moved to the back room to see if we could discover the source of the HORRIBLE odor!! The back door was open so I thought the neighbors had sprayed something in their yard and then ..................

Blake admitted that he had found a can of "FART SPRAY" in our back closet. He proceeded to empty it throughout the house! It was so bad WE ALL had to go outside for the evening.
I'd planned on the party in the backyard in the 1st place so it all worked out fine.

KID'S! lol

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