Thursday, July 14, 2011

I'M IN LOVE !!!!

Have I ever told anyone HOW MUCH I LOVE MY WONDERFUL HUSBAND !!!

When Tony went to Iraq, he told me that we would get a King size bed when he got home!
Well, as always, He's True to his WORD!!

While on vacation he got to nap on Chris and Princess's bed and he loved it! Then when we spent the night at Scott and Jill's, they let us sleep in their Queen size bed but BOTH had the memory foam mattress. When we got home Tony made me a frame for a King size bed and then ordered the memory foam!! Then we were looking at bedroom furniture at RC Wiley but it was just too fancy for me. I wanted something with clean lines and easy to dust!!
We happened to find just what I wanted at Costco and so we bought it. Nate, Stillman and Curtis helped us move the furniture in on Monday night ...................


SO THIS IS THE old bedroom ...........ANOTHER VIEW .........

And this is the NEW BEDROOM!!! ~

We gave the green love seat hide a bed to Deedra and Heather will get the old bedroom set and
I GET THIS!!! New bedding to boot!!
I LOVE MY NEW FURNITURE BUT LOVE MY AWESOME HUSBAND MORE ......................... and can't wait to go to bed tonight!!! lol

My husband spoils me rotten!!!


Heather said...

cool mom. aren't you spoiled! :0) guess i better start making room for the furniture! i need to paint before it gets here- it'll be nice to see that ugly purple go!

Curtis and Deedra said...

Your bed looks great!