Sunday, July 17, 2011


This past weekend was the Berezay Family Reunion! I missed it last year as Tony was away and I didn't make it there on my own so this year I definitely wanted to go because I also missed my Dad's 90th Birthday in November due to inclement weather !!!!!
I asked if Sophia and Isabel could go with us because Sophia hadn't been since she was 2 years old and Isabel was an infant the last time she was there and doesn't remember a thing! (Well, Sophia didn't either lol)....

Their mother brought them over Thursday evening to spend the night because we planned on leaving at 6AM Friday morning.
Thursday night they helped me get things ready for the BEREZAY AUCTION and so I gave them a treat for helping me out! ...................... A Green Smoothie!! YAY!
Friday morning at 5:30 AM I had to wake them up!!!

We went to Los Beto's for a breakfast burrito and then were on the road at 6:45AM............
Just a little toooooo early for these two. They immediately fell asleep again! The roads are full of curves going to Montana and Sophia got car sick so we stopped in Grangeville and got her some Dramamine.
She was fine after that!
On the Montana side, we encountered a Semi accident! It was pretty bad! I had seen a couple of things in the river and I couldn't figure out what they were and then we came upon the Semi!! He was carrying HUGE ROLLS of Newsprint and Tony thinks they must have shifted and caused him to overturn his truck. At least two of the rolls of paper had landed in the river and gone down stream until they became soaked to the point that they wouldn't float anymore. On our return trip Sunday, they were still working on clearing the wreckage by literally cutting the Semi into pieces and hauling it off.
We arrived at the "HAVEN" at 3:30 in the afternoon and settled into our rooms at Donna's home. None of her kids were able to make it this year so we were able to stay with Donna and Jack! It was GREAT!~ Mom and Dad were there too so I got a great picture of the girls with their Great Grand Parents! Whoot Whoot!!
Since Jack's stroke, he gets around the property in his little golf cart and he was good enough to share it with the kids! He let Sophia drive 1st and then .................
Isabel took over! They'll be asking their parents for a driver's license when they get home! lol
Saturday morning at 11AM we had the "ANNUAL BEREZAY AUCTION" . It was really really fun and we raised a little over $3000 dollars for the Berezay Fund! It was AWESOME!! I made 4 buckets of Carmel Popcorn that went for $40 dollars a bucket and a Glamour Bag that went for $35! Ha ha ha!! It took me longer to make the bag and it went for less than the food item! Shows whats important to us BEREZAY'S !!! FOOD ! lol I got the casserole dish and carrier that my mom had made!! I was so glad! The cover is made of watermelon material!! YAY!!
After the auction, Tony and I took the girls to Seeley Lake to swim! We sat on the beach and watched them. They enjoyed themselves and had fun making sand castles and collecting rocks from the water!
Then we went to the ice cream shoppe and got a dipped cone! Mmmmmm good!
Grandpa Norton, Sophia and Isabel!
Gramma Verne, Sophia and Isabel!
After eating our cones, we strolled through some of the shops in Seeley Lake! There is always some interesting things around town ....... A Wooden horse with a sway back !
A skinny cowboy was another. There were bears and such but didn't get those. lol
Then there was an interesting display of some old tree's that had been made into a strange piece of Art Work! This little trip gave us the inspiration for our skit that we performed Saturday evening at out" Saturday Night Live" .

When we got back to the "Haven", some of the Band that Jack used to play with had come up and were playing Blue Grass Music and singing. Jack was enjoying singing along on some of the tunes! It was great to see him able to participate and do and enjoy what he loves!!
"Saturday Night Live" was short this year because there weren't as many of us as usual! (Hard Times) but we did a little skit and Sophia and Isabel had the speaking parts!! They had a great time and it was cute!!

Sunday, before church, I asked Russ to take our picture because I knew I wouldn't get it after church, as we would be leaving for home and Donna and Jack and Mom and Dad would be in the family meeting. I was happy to get this!
Then we saw Lorie and Dave and Amy, so asked them to come over and we got them too! Spencer and Michelle and their two little ones hadn't showed up yet so we didn't get a picture of them!
Then we changed our clothes and hit the road for home!! We got away about 12:45, stopped at Costco in Missoula to gas up. We got almost to Lolo Hot Springs and traffic had slowed down. We hit our breaks and discovered why! .................
A big ole moose was off the right side of the highway so I whipped out my camera as we were going buy and got her backside!!

We stopped in Kooskie for lunch around 3:30 and then got the girls home around 9:15 last night!

And that my friends was our Adventure to Montana this weekend!!

1 comment:

CPTA said...

Thanks Mom! Bummed we couldn't make it again this year. I sure hope that we can soon!!! =) Glad you all had fun! It didn't seem that many showed up this year. =( But it's always good to get together. Love you guys! How's the bed by the way? I couldn't get my comment to post (after trying three times, I gave up). I hope it's comfy for you!