Thursday, July 7, 2011


We are finally getting a KING SIZE BED!!! Hallelujah !

While we were on vacation and at Chris and Princess's home, they showed us their memory foam mattress and the bed frame that Chris had made for it. I had slept on it when I tended Tristan when Ari was being born so I made Tony take a short nap on it ........ he liked it!

Then we went to Scott and Jill's and they have one too so they let us sleep on it the night we spent at their house. WE liked it!!!
So Tony ordered the mattress and it should be here the 1st of next week so he got busy and made it on Wednesday. He got Blake to help him.

He made a frame with some nice pine ......
Here they are laying on the plywood on the top and soon I'll have a big ole 12" foam topper!
Like I said ................ Hallelujah!

It's gonna be cool!

Tony stained it on Thursday and a big ole thunder storm came in. Luckily he had it up on saw horses and under a canopy! We've bought the bedding already and today he is putting a polyurethane on it so we'll be ready to go when the mattress gets here!



Curtis and Deedra said...

If you need somewhere to put your old bed, we'll take it ;) Our bed is OLD. Curtis had it when he was a teenager, lol.

Vernie and Tony said...

I promised the set to Heather along time ago! Sorry.... It will be what we sleep on when we visit. It's been a twin blow up mattress till now and the two of us won't fit! lol