Thursday, July 7, 2011


We celebrated the 4th in Cascade this past weekend. We left after I got off work on Friday. The drive up was exceptionally beautiful and green this year. The Payette River was so full of water it was boiling! Simply spectacular!!

Friday night was low key. Everyone was showing up and settling in so after everyone went to bed Tony and I watched "SECRETARIAT" and then hit the sack. I love sleeping in the mountains! So relaxing!

Saturday morning Tony and I had breakfast duty so I made Apple Puff Pancakes and Tony sharpened Grandma's knives.
After breakfast the kids started for the water.
They boated ...................
and played in the water. It's very high so no beach as of yet.
Saturday evening we had a game night. Stillman and Michele went to a lot of work and prepared SEVERAL games of "MINUTE TO WIN IT!"

This is Sarah trying to get the cookie in her mouth just using her facial muscles.
Stillman stacked 5 apples in 60 seconds! Grandpa said it couldn't be done! Stillman proved him wrong! lol
Curtis and some of the kids did a balloon game and I'm not sure what the point of it was but it was so entertaining to watch Curtis dance all over the floor trying to keep the balloons from hitting the floor.
Michelle had to stack cups and take them down ...............
There were so many games and it was a blast!!! Thanks to Stillman and Michelle for putting that together. It was a lot of work but a lot of fun!
Sunday morning some of us got up so we could go to the 10AM Sacrament meeting in Cascade.
The folks, the Butterfields and Tony and I made it to that one.
Stillman and Michelle came about 10 minutes late so I got their picture after church when we got back to the cabin.
Tammy and Chris and Katie went to McCall at 1PM so I got their picture before they left.
Derek and Rachel and family went later with Tammy and Chris so I got their picture at that time too. While we waited for the two families to return from church for dinner we sat on the deck and discussed a talk by Elder Bednar from the last General Conference.

The kids had a great time ! Nikki caught all kinds of bugs. She's showing me one of her grasshoppers.
Little quiet Helaman, who is normally so shy, was having so much fun Sunday evening. He was all smiles!! OK he was laughing and I MEAN LAUGHING!!
Jayden amazed us with his game skills!! ON HIS MOTHER'S CELL PHONE!! lol
Several of us played Crochet and Boccie Ball. It was lots of fun but my shoulders thanked me later...... well it wasn't really a thank you, more of an "What were you thinking?"

Alex went on a "Nature Hike" with his mommy and collected lots of flowers! He brought one back for Great Gramma Norton and me to put in our hair! HOW SWEET!

That evening we roasted marshmallows and had Smores! Mmmmmm! delicious!

Gideon got his a little on the dark side.

Tony and I played several games of UNO with Mom and Dad Norton while the kids played outside and when they started the fireworks, we went out to join them.

Sparklers for everyone!! Little Jack had the BEST time!!

Alex looks like he was bored! Is he sleeping?
Naw, I just think he didn't want his picture taken! lol
Derek and Rachel getting a 4th of July Hug!!

Hey, I want in on that action!!

The 4th was on Monday and it was a beautiful day. The kids got the canoes out and Curtis paddled some of the kids around. They swam and played in the water while us lazy old people sat and read or watched a movie.
It was a fun relaxing weekend.


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