Wednesday, August 3, 2011


The air conditioner is still out at work.....
To give you an idea of just how hot it is ...... This piece of chocolate was in my desk drawer.
I opened it up and it is totally melted!!
I threw it away cuz I'm such a good dieter ..... LOL but also cuz it was such a melted mess!!

So we got a chunk of ice out of the freezer and stuck it on a plate in front of the fan.......

It melted really fast and didn't really help a whole lot!
Hope this dang thing gets fixed SOON!


Stillman and Michelle said...

When we didn't have air conditioning in our car we would get a spray bottle and spray water in front of the fan. That helped. In CA we use to put a big pot of Ice water in front of the fan. That helped too. There are also portable air conditioners that you buy at the store. I'm not sure how expensive they are.

Vernie and Tony said...

Believe me! We have tried everything! We spritz ourselves and let the fan blow on us, we tried the ice on the plate, all windows and doors are open just to get some air circulation. We are drinking WaaaaY to much pop but drinking water too! Nancy went for ice cream cones yesterday....they were melting bad before she got back to the office. Sure hope she buys a new unit soon!

yappysid said...

I dont think I can eat that though. :))