Sunday, August 7, 2011


This past weekend we went to Utah for Cory and Alivia's wedding! We left Friday morning and drove Art's truck as well as pulled Tony's utility trailer so we could haul the old bedroom set to Heather and Jon. We left around 9:30 AM. After getting to Heather's and unloading the furniture we drove to Bountiful where Alivia and Cory had a "PRECEPTION" ......
It was pretty cool! She didn't want to have to worry about the reception after the wedding ceremony on Saturday so she had a BIG party in the park with food and games and visiting! It was an AWESOME idea !!!
I got several shots of the wedding couple as we were helping set up for the big bash!
The park was beautiful and a great location for the kids to run and play while the grownups visited and relaxed!
Good company and good food!
What more does a
person need ??

The little ones had fun in the playground area as well as at the pavilion where Alivia had bubbles and sidewalk chalk for them to play with! What a great idea!!!
Got a picture of all the Norton gals!
Cory, Alivia and her cousin Melissa and her hubby Nate. Alivia and Melissa were close growing up!! (AND STILL ARE!)
Awhhhhhh! A sweet kiss in parting !

After we left the park, we took Mom and Dad Norton to the condo and then Tony and I drove back to Layton to stay with Heather and Jon! (After all, we have a bed to sleep in there now! LOL
It was fun to spend a little time with them. It was late so after playing with Rowan and throwing him on the new bed several times, we all called it a night and hit the sack! In the middle of the night I suddenly woke up and realized I'd left my Temple recommend at home in my bag. I told Tony and after a minute of panic, I went back to sleep!
Saturday was busy and somewhat hectic!! (and we weren't even the wedding couple! lol) We drove to the condo to pick up the folks. Dad wanted to wash up the bike that they had brought down for Diane. We drove to a place in the basement of the condo where there was a hose and Art washed the bike all up. Then we drove to a WalMart to get a seat & a stem for the bike ......they didn't have one so Art decided he would just let Jess get that because we still needed time to stop at IKEA to pick up some things for Traci. We did and then went onto Diane's for a brief visit and to drop off the bike. We still needed to go back to the condo and change into church clothes so we took off and of course got delayed because of a wreck on the freeway. I remembered (AGAIN) that I didn't have my temple recommend so I called my Bishop and he said "Just have the Temple President call me and I will vouch for you." ........ We get to the condo and make a quick change of clothes and head out again ..... Art realizes he's forgot the key card in the condo but says "lets go, we'll just tell them we are in a hurry and it's in the condo room" ............ We get to the gate in the parking lot to get out and they won't let us out unless we pay $15 because we don't have our key card! ART WASN'T HAPPY ...... He turns around (and of course there are two people behind us that have to move 1st) and we drive to the other exit but there is no one there so Art runs to the security office and they said "It's the rule!! He has to pay $15 dollars! So Art goes back upstairs to get his key and FINALLY ..... we are off!! I had white knuckles cuz he was driving like a bat outta %$#@ ! lol
We get to the Temple with 15 minutes to spare before the wedding starts! The place is PACKED!!! It was sooooo busy! I fill out the card to have them call my Bishop and then I wait ...... and wait ....... and wait...... I finally tell Tony to go ahead and go in!! I sure don't want him to miss it!!
The PATRONS tell me how busy the President is but they have called up to the wedding and told them to wait. I'm embarrassed and humiliated and tell them to go ahead and let the wedding begin. I'll stay down here with the kids. They say " NO, it will be OK" ........ I wait some more and start to
feel like one of the 10 virgins who forgot her oil!!
Finally, he says, I can go up!!! I'm of course the last one in and get the stares from everyone in the room when I enter! Arghhhhhhh!
Anyway, she was married in spite of me and it was beautiful!!
The Bountiful Temple is gorgeous!!

And Alivia was RADIANT !

Presenting Mr. and Mrs. Irwin!!
After the pictures were done we went to Chuck A Rama for a wedding dinner but Alivia and Cory took off to start their new life together!!
After dinner several of us went to Robin and Debs to visit. We then took the folks to the condo and we headed back to Heather's. It was about 9:15 when we arrived. Rowan was happy to see us!
Tony installed 4 lights for Heather and Jon and Rowan held the flashlight to help grampa see! (check out where he is shining!! lol)

Sunday, we went to Sacrament with Heather and Jon and then left immediately afterward to drive to the condo to pick up Art and Lynn. We then drove back to Layton, grabbed a quick lunch and then went to Heather's to load the trailer again and we were off!!
Around 5:30Pm Colby called us to inform us that Lehi James had finally arrived!! We were 3 hours out still and hoped to stop and see him when we arrived!
We finally pulled into Boise about 8:30 and went directly to the Baby Place. The nurse told us that we would have to wait because Baby hadn't eaten yet and they were trying to get him to do so. She didn't know how long it would be so we drove to Kuna to drop off the things we had picked up for Traci.We didn't make it back to see the baby yet but we got a picture of Proud Papa and new son!! We're going over tonight after I get off work!
CAN"T WAIT to welcome # 27! ~

It was a beautiful sunset and a wonderful ending to a beautiful weekend!!


Christa said...

Congrats grandma! He's adorable :)

Vernie and Tony said...

Hey Krista!!! When you gonna make it 28!!!!

Curtis and Deedra said...

To be honest, I didn't even see you come into the sealing room and then you must have been hiding in the corner by the door because I didn't even know you were in there, LOL. Sure glad you were able to get in though. It was a great wedding weekend!