Friday, September 23, 2011


Well, I can't believe it ...... I made it to 60 years old!!
Not that I made it that far but that I'm seriously 60 !!!
It has been a fabulous day!! I got so many Birthday wishes from my sweet husband, my parents, my in-laws, my siblings, my kids, my grandkids, friends and Young Women at church!
I had over 40 people comment on FaceBook! It was so awesome!!
GREAT DAY !! Thanks to everyone who made this old lady feel special! I love you all!
After work Tony took me to Tucano's for dinner and his folks joined us!
Dad and Mom Norton had never eaten there so it was fun to have them along! They loved it too!

Tony caught Mom with a shrimp! He just caught me with my mouth open! lol

The waitress was kind enough to take our picture! I guess I didn't explain things good enough to her ..... "No gut shot's please" ..... oops, too late!!

I guess when it's all out there, that's what ya get!

They came to sing to Tony and I and they asked which one of us wanted the tambourine. I said Tony so then she announces to EVERYONE
eating at that end of the restaurant that we are celebrating our birthdays and that Tony is going to play the tambourine and I'm going to dance!
WHAT ??.............
I tried to get the tambourine back but Tony wasn't giving it up for anything!! I shook my hips a wee bit but NOT too much! I was afraid if I got them moving I wouldn't be able to get them stopped!
He did a good job and thank heaven's I had the camera! Sure didn't want a picture of me dancin!

Now the little waitress takes back the instrument and we get a bowl of ice cream with Oreo's on top!
It was delicious and a fun day and evening! We then went to the New Tai Pan Trading Company on Milwaukee. It's brand new and I wanted to go check it out! Then home to relax.

Thank you to EVERYONE who sent cards, called and sent emails!


ChrisandTamara said...

Happy Birthday Mom!!!!!!! That's hilarious that they made you dance and Dad play the tambourine. They make ya work for your dessert - LOL!

Vernie and Tony said...

I should have worked a little harder!!! It might not have showed up on the hips!! lol Actually, I shared mine with Mom and Tony shared his with Dad and then I gave the rest of mine to Tony! lol