Sunday, September 25, 2011


This was a busy weekend! I celebrated my 60th birthday Friday night (see previous post) and then got up early (5:30 AM) on Saturday morning, got ready and left for the church. I picked up one of the Beehive's in our ward cuz she lives close and we met everyone else at 6:45. There were 16 Young Women and 8 Young Men as well as 11 leaders. I was hoping I wouldn't have to drive but it turned out that I had to so I had 3 young women ride with me. Tony had the 2nd half of his code class so he was gone all day too.

We got to Twin Falls a little after 9AM.
The Youth heading into the temple! They were so excited and it was great to feel of their enthusiasm.

It's hard to get a picture of the entire temple from the grounds! It's small but
Beautiful !

After doing nearly 300 baptisms and confirmations we left the temple and I was able to get a picture of all of them in front of the main doors. We then grabbed our sack lunches and ate on the temple grounds. There are so many nice areas and benches and it was so peaceful and relaxing!!
We then took the youth to the Institute at CSI. The Institute director talked to them about the importance of furthering their education and to make sure they attended Institute where ever they went. It was actually very spiritual as well so the kids were fed spiritually twice!!

The kids getting seated at the institute and ready to listen to the director!

Afterwards they were served ice cream sandwiches and donuts! Yay! A big sugar high just before we leave!!

The boys and girls (and leaders) played a little pool at the institute after eating!

And a little Ping Pong! It was a fun day. We left Twin Falls a little after 2 PM. Tony called me when I was 19 miles from Boise and said he was just leaving Garden City so he would beat me home but not by much! It was 4:30 by the time I got home and I was starting to get sleepy so was so glad we finally made it back to Nampa. I was pretty tired but we watched the BSU/Tulsa Game and that was exciting! I hit the sack immediately after the game and it felt so good to sleep with visions of another win dancing in my head!!

The gal who I got my grapes from said that she had done 8 quarts and didn't want the rest. She had already picked them and said I could have them if I wanted. Well, I couldn't see them going to waste so Tony and I went over after church and got them. Then we hurried home because our home teacher was coming. After he left we scarfed down some spaghetti and then went to Mom and Dad Norton's because she had asked me to come and take pictures of her and two of her friends she use to sing with. We visited a short while and then hurried home to start juicing!
Another late night, but we got another 16 quarts of juice so a total of 52 Quarts for the season!
That outta do!! (The ox was in the mire)

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