Saturday, September 10, 2011


Friday night, Tony and I went out to the church orchard to do our 2nd picking of the peaches! We spent about 3 hours in the orchard and got quite a bit done.
Then on Saturday, we had our neighborhood block party to get ready for so we got up and started to prepare!
Tony got a call from his dad mid morning and he said that he and Brother Perry were the only ones at the orchard so Tony asked if I could finish the yard and he headed out again. I mowed the lawn and picked our tomatoes and some Swiss chard from the garden and then went in to bake rolls and get the Kahlua pork in the oven.
Tony came home around 1PM and we set up our tables and chairs........
as well as our two lighted palm trees etc!
It looked pretty good and we were excited to be having the block party again. We didn't do it while Tony was in Iraq so it was good to start again.

We didn't have too bad a turnout. Some that hadn't been before came and I think all had a good time getting to know one another.

The food was great. Everyone brought a side dish and Tony and I did the Kahlua pork and the sweet potato souffle and rolls. We had a couple of desserts and some salads, baked beans and relish trays. Mmmmmmm!

I got out my new drink server as well as the old one and served cold water and lemonade.

The weather cooperated and we held it a little later than before so conditions were perfect~

Everyone that came thanked us for doing this for the neighborhood and some even suggested we do something at Christmas! LOL
Sunday evening we picked up Art and Lynn and headed to Melissa's to celebrate
Alivia's 6th
She is our 9/11 Birthday girl!
She had celebrated a few days earlier with some friends so Sunday evening was for just the grandparents and Aunt Becky!
Livie was really in a funny mood and she was very entertaining!

She opened all her gifts and was very excited about all of them and then said .....
"Are there any more presents? ....OK, let's have cake!"

Nate set up the camera on a tripod and we got a group shot with Livie and her
"Birthday Cake"

She chose a Red Velvet Cake and Oh My.... it was delicious!!

It was a three layer and we all got a good size piece (I didn't need it but I ate it and relished every bite!)

Alivia enjoyed it too! It was a fun evening. Happy Birthday Livie!

1 comment:

Curtis and Deedra said...

I like the picture with everyone in it. Those will be some pictures for her to treasure later on. And the cake looks yummy!