Monday, October 31, 2011


Saturday morning Tony and I got up and got ready to work in the Church Orchard. We picked up Dad Norton and were at the orchard by 9AM. We picked for the church till noon and gleaned a lot of windfalls for our selves. We were working on the Fugi's. There were a lot of people there helping so we got a lot done. The apples were beautiful!!

Then we went home, cleaned up and went truck shopping for Tony. I told him when he was in Iraq that he deserved a "NEW TRUCK" when he got home for all his hard work. He wanted to get back to work before he started looking and now that he is working again, he's got the bug!!
We had fun looking at all the car lots (although the salesmen drive me crazy!!) We drove a Dodge, a Chevy and a Ford. The Chevy and the Ford were both 4 wheel drives and a lot more money that the Dodge. He is so practical and said he doesn't really need a 4 wheel drive and so we are leaning toward the Dodge. Tonight after work, we are going to check out the Nissan's and maybe some others. Just comparing

Who knows ......................He might make his decision tonight and since it's HALLOWEEN, he might be coming home with a nice

PS: We made up bags of APPLES on Sunday afternoon and delivered a bag to each of our Home and Visiting Teaching Families and a bag to each of the kids here in the valley along with Halloween goodies for the Grand kids! Had to get them their TREATS since we will be out TREATING ...... FOR TRUCKS TONIGHT!!

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