Friday, October 28, 2011


Got a "buy one get one FREE" coupon (love that word) from Qdoba's so we got ourselves a burrito for dinner and then went to the Nampa High vs Kuna football game! Josh Bostrom is in our ward and is a fantastic player. Brandon Benjamin is also in our ward and on the team. Since it's the last game of the season for Nampa, Tony wanted to go and watch the boys play!

It was "Senior Night" so before the game started they had the parents come out with the boys.
There's Jorgette and Josh on the right hand side of the picture! Lamont (his dad) was in Vegas. He was moving his mother down there so missed the last game of the year.

This picture is Brandon, his mother Necole and his dad Aaron. (middle of the picture ..... Brandon is #54, Necole is the redhead with the black jacket and Aaron has his head down in the red shirt!

Josh and his mom again!

Tony and I were in our
Bronco ORANGE & BLUE so we kinda stuck out but I had to post this one because of the man behind me! HILARIOUS! He would have confiscated my camera if he'd seen this shot! lol

Got a picture of Brandon on the sidelines. He's a cute boy! I remember all my primary girls ogling over him when I taught them. Now they are in Young Women's and still ogling!

At half time the band and the color guard performed. My Laurel President (Beth Campbell) was in the group! She is in the middle by the boy.

Then Megan Breshears came up and gave me a big hug!! (on the right) she is in the Mia Maid class Presidency in our ward.

Here's Josh on the sidelines with his helmet sitting on the top of his head! He scored FOUR touchdowns! He was awesome!

Another picture of us! Megan took this one when she came to visit us! Final score of the game was Nampa 55/ Kuna 21 !! Nampa put in their 2nd string and Kuna still had in their 1st string and scored 2 touchdowns at that time.

It was not all that cold but I was still glad to have all my Bronco Gear!
With our coats and blankets and the help of that burrito we stayed warm and toasty! lol
Just kidding ...... sounds good though! ha ha

1 comment:

Curtis and Deedra said...

You guys are funny wearing all your BSU stuff. Nice looking coats though. Yay for NHS winning! Go Bulldogs!