Sunday, November 13, 2011


Saturday was a busy game day for us! We started out the day by going to watch Nikki and Ellie play basket ball at Centennial grade school. 8:30 in the morning!! They are on the same team so that makes it nice. Jack was there with his mommy and brother Garrett when we arrived as well as Alivia and her Aunt Becky. Jack was so proud of his Woody PJ's and he proudly posed for a picture!!

Nikki on the far left (hydrating) and Ellie on the far right, getting a little instruction from the coach!

It's so funny to watch them at this age. They don't get overly excited or aggressive about the game. They kinda stand around and watch the other team shoot. lol

Even heading down to the other side ..... no big hurry! lol

Ellie and Nikki out for a rest while someone else plays. But they are watching intently!!

Jack was laying on the floor with his feet up on the bleachers, It made for a darn cute picture! He looks like he's all feet!

After Nikki and Ellie were finished we headed home and I made a big pot of Chicken and Dumplings to take to Art and Lynn's for the BSU game later that day. While it was on simmer we went to Isabel's game at 11:30 AM.

They play at Roosevelt school here in Nampa so it makes it nice for travel time for us Grandparents. We can catch um all.

Isabel running down the court.

Sophia in the bleachers with us watching the game.

And whose this crawling under my legs ????

OH, It's Captain America!!

We had to laugh at Isabel's team! They are all such girly girls! One is wearing a little frilly skirt, one always wears colorful leggings, and they are all very tiny! It was hilarious!

Look at the difference in size!

In the last quarter, Isabel scored 3 baskets!!! The only ones they had the whole game. As we were leaving one of her little teammates says to her mother ...
"Isabel did it all in the last inning!!"

We had to laugh!

Here she is with part of her team after the game! They look pretty excited!

We went home after Isabel's game and finished the Chicken and dumplings and headed to Art and Lynn's for the BSU/TCU game. I had seen on the Internet where some Boise fans went to the Airport and welcomed the TCU fans flying in for the game.

It was a nail biting game and BSU lost by 1 point!!
VERY DISAPPOINTING! From what I hear, Scott, Jeff, Stillman and Colby all need therapy now!! lol

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Holy moly, what a busy day! :) Glad we got to see you later on! :)