Sunday, November 20, 2011


Today was my Wonderful father's 91st Birthday!!

These pictures were taken last summer at the Berezay Family Reunion! I called Dad this evening to wish him a "HAPPY BIRTHDAY" and mom had just finished making him his "Birthday Dinner" and they were just getting ready to eat. He sounds good and Happy as usual! Happiness is my dad's trademark!! I NEVER see or hear him in any other way!

He's always wearing a smile. He takes life one day at a time and enjoys everyday to it's fullest!
I've learned a lot from these two wonderful people! I love them with all my heart and I hope dad has a WONDERFUL BIRTHDAY! Just wish we were there with him to celebrate!

DAD, YOU ROCK!! I love you and am grateful to be your daughter! I feel so blessed!

1 comment:

Heather said...

I love them. What great grandparents. And I love that grandma is still making him a birthday dinner! I hope I am still doing that for Jon when I am 90+ :0)